year of publication | ISBN | author(s) | title |
1990 | 978-92-826-1624-6 | C. Tsoutsoplides · A. Zivoder | EC commodities imports from the developing countries, 1976-1987 (Theme 6--External trade) |
'' | 978-92-826-1629-1 | Commission of the European Communities | Nineteenth Report on Competition Policy, 1989 (REPORT ON COMPETITION POLICY COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES) |
'' | 978-92-826-1634-5 | C. De Tassigny · C. Signoret | Immobilisation de la contamination par revêtement de polymères sur des déchets radioactifs de grandes dimensions en vue de leur stockage: rapport final (Euratom publications- EUR) |
| 978-92-826-1635-2 | Ec Eur12901 Compcalculationsselec |
1990 | 978-92-826-1636-9 | C. Eid | Non-Destructive Assay of Radioactive Waste Topical Meeting: Proceedings of a Topical Meeting Organized by the Commission of the European Communities |
'' | 978-92-826-1640-6 | Herbert Ungerer | Telecommunications in Europe: Free Choice for the User in Europe's 1992 Market: The Challenge for the European Community (The European perspectives series) |
'' | 978-92-826-1647-5 | G Russell | Barley Knowledge Base (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1649-9 | M.N. Hough | Agrometeorological Aspects of Crops in the United Kingdom and Ireland: a Review for Sugar Beet, Oilseed Rape, Peas, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Potatoes, Apples and Pears |
'' | 978-92-826-1651-2 | G. Premazzi · S. Facchetti · J. Freudenthal | A Snapshot Survey on the Po River: Environment and Quality of Life: Environment and Quality of Life [series] |
'' | 978-92-826-1652-9 | M. Certo · L. Guerini | Cladding Flaw Detection and Sizing by Horizontally Polarized Shear Wave Ultrasonic EMAT Transducers |
'' | 978-92-826-1653-6 | D J. Boerman · W. Krischer | Mechanical Testing of Austenitic Steel Welded Joints (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1654-3 | O. Simoni · D J. Boerman · W. Krischer | Manufacture and Characterization of Austenitic Steel Welded Joints (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1655-0 | A.L. Nichols | Fission Product Chemistry in Severe Nuclear Reactor Accidents: Report of a Specialist Meeting at JRC-Ispra, 15-17 January 1990 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1660-4 | Green Paper on the Urban Environment: Environment and Quality of Life: Environment and Quality of Life [series] |
1990 | 978-92-826-1665-9 | Jean-Victor Louis | The Community Legal Order (European Perspectives Series) |
'' | 978-92-826-1666-6 | Not Available | External Trade Statistical Yearbook, 1990 |
'' | 978-92-826-1668-0 | A. Maynard | Evaluation of the 4th Medical and Health Research Programme (1987-1991) (Science and Technology Policy) (Science & Technology Policy) |
'' | 978-92-826-1678-9 | Not Available | Electricity Prices, 1985-1990 |
'' | 978-92-826-1679-6 | '' | Gas Prices, 1985-1990 |
1990 | 978-92-826-1680-2 | P W. Morris · J N. Albiston · P M. Ingham | Extending the Product Size Range from Continuously Cast Sections: Mechanical Working: Final Report (Euratom publications - EUR) |
| 978-92-826-1681-9 | Thermal Stressing in Stirring Elements Used in Basic Oxygen Furnaces 12962 |
1990 | 978-92-826-1682-6 | P. Ashton | Analysis of Scenarios for the Direct Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel-Disposal Conditions As Expected in Germany (NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (EUROPEAN COMM INFO SERV)) |
| 978-92-826-1683-3 | Ec Eur12961 Techsteerese Eff |
1990 | 978-92-826-1684-0 | J P. Coheur · T. Gladman · D. Schauwinhold | Recherche et technologie en sidérurgie: analyse et perspectives: divers (Euratom publications - EUR) |
| 978-92-826-1685-7 | Ec Eur 12958 Gradcontcast Mate |
| 978-92-826-1686-4 | Ec Eur12946 Haw Project Test Di |
1990 | 978-92-826-1687-1 | B. Migliorati | Investigation of Specific Applications of Laser Cutting for Dismantling of Nuclear Power Plants (NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (EUROPEAN COMM INFO SERV)) |
'' | 978-92-826-1689-5 | Not Available | Earnings in Agriculture, 1988 (Eurostat: Theme 3, Population and Social Conditions. Series C, Accounts, Surveys and Statistics) |
'' | 978-92-826-1693-2 | P. Thome | Méthode de coupage de tubes par l'intérieur par scie à l'arc électrique: rapport final (Euratom publications- EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1694-9 | Not Available | Analysis of the Source Term in the Chernobyl-4 Accident/Report Eur 12765 En (NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (EUROPEAN COMM INFO SERV)) |
| 978-92-826-1695-6 | Ec Eur12952 Quality Criteriadiagno |
1990 | 978-92-826-1696-3 | European Communities | Energie 1960-1988 =: Energy 1960-1988 (Theme 4--Energy and industry. Series D, Studies and analyses) (German Edition) |
'' | 978-92-826-1702-1 | Erwin Seyfried | Vocational rehabilitation of the mentally ill in office and computer services: Results of the CEDEFOP research meeting, Berlin, June 1989 (CEDEFOP document) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1707-6 | J. J. A. M. van Dun | Training the trainers: An investigation into the training and qualifications of practical instructors working in the apprenticeship system (CEDEFOP document) |
'' | 978-92-826-1710-6 | B. Come | Cec Project Mirage-Second Phase on Migration of Radionuclides in the Geosphere (Nuclear Science and Technology) |
'' | 978-92-826-1711-3 | G M. Williams · P J. Hooker · M A. Brightman | Field Studies About Radionuclide Migration, Natural Analogues and Faults in Clays: Final Report (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1712-0 | V. Pellecchia · P. Ursella · G. Moretto | Trattamento " in situ " di superfici in calcestruzzo mediante impregnazione e polimerizzazione con resine organiche (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1713-7 | A. Kals · W. Pfeffer · H. Urban | Praxis der Behandlung radioaktiver Abfälle ausserhalb des nuklearen Brennstoffkreislaufs in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1717-5 | European Communities | Structure and Activity of Industry: Main Results |
| 978-92-826-1718-2 | Une decenie d'évaluation de la r et d a la commission des communautés europeennes (Ref Eur 13 097 Frc) |
| 978-92-826-1719-9 | Ec Eur13098 Impactutilityeuropean |
1990 | 978-92-826-1721-2 | European Communities | Agricultural Prices |
'' | 978-92-826-1722-9 | U. Colombo | Evaluation of the Community Fusion Programme (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1723-6 | S. Ghia | Advanced Ultrasonic Inspections: Nuclear Science and Technology: Nuclear Science and Technology [series] |
1990 | 978-92-826-1724-3 | B. Ganser | Konditionierung von Aschen aus Verbrennungsanlagen in speziellen Schmelzöfen: Abschlussbericht (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1725-0 | Periodic Safety Re-evaluations in NPPs in EC Member States, Finland and Sweden |
1990 | 978-92-826-1726-7 | P. Hofmann · G. Diderich | Réduction des besoins thermiques pour le frittage d'un mélange d'agglomération à base de minerai lorrain: réduction des minerais: rapport final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1727-4 | S.P. Jull · T.P. Lees | Studies of Historic Concrete |
| 978-92-826-1729-8 | Ec Eur12933 Bcr Infodevemethd |
| 978-92-826-1730-4 | Ec Eur12933 Bcr Infodevemethd |
1990 | 978-92-826-1731-1 | A. Despres | Internal Contamination Measurements Conducted in Europe After the Chernobyl Accident: Bibliographical Revue (Radiation Protection) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1737-3 | Energy in the European community (European documentation) |
| 978-92-826-1742-7 | Ec Eur13076 the Certification of Ni |
| 978-92-826-1743-4 | Ec Eur 13075 Bcr Inforefemateri |
1990 | 978-92-826-1744-1 | J L. Fournié | Influence des caractéristiques de conception des installations sur le déclassement des réacteurs à neutrons rapides: rapport final (Euratom publications- EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1747-2 | Christothersenh Papandreau | A Social Portrait of Europe |
1990 | 978-92-826-1751-9 | Oriol Homs Ferret | Occupational profiles and training requirements at Level 3 in the Spanish textile and clothing industry (CEDEFOP document) |
'' | 978-92-826-1752-6 | M. Klein · P. De Regge | Immobilization of Cladding Waste by Press Compaction and Conditioning for Final Disposal by Encapsulation in a Lead Container |
'' | 978-92-826-1753-3 | U. Müller | Steigerung der Wickelqualität beim Warmbandhaspeln: Unwandlung: Abschlussbericht (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1761-8 | Community Merger Control Law |
'' | 978-92-826-1766-3 | Joseph Hassid | Management training program for Greek migrants in the Federal Republic of Germany (CEDEFOP document) |
'' | 978-92-826-1767-0 | Scientific Advisory Committee to Examine the Toxicity & Ecotoxicity of Chemicals 12964 |
'' | 978-92-826-1768-7 | T. Kerkhoff | An Integrated Design for a Liquid Milk Plant Using Ice-Bank Technology for Load Spreading: Final Report (Euratom publications -EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1770-0 | J. Lewi · C. Brun Yaba · A. Cernes | Évaluation des performances des dépôts pour l'isolation des déchets de moyenne activité et alpha enfouis dans les formations géologiques granitiques: rapport final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
| 978-92-826-1771-7 | Ec Eur12975 Nuclscietechchempro |
| 978-92-826-1772-4 | Ec Eur12955 Intercomparison of Sol |
| 978-92-826-1773-1 | Ec Eur13091 Demoand Indupilot Pr |
| 978-92-826-1774-8 | Ec Eur13088 Energy Eucalyptus Glo |
1990 | 978-92-826-1776-2 | Value Analysis in the European Community: A Tool for Value Management (Innovation) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1778-6 | Energy Savings in Legume Canning Plants: Demonstration Project |
1991 | 978-92-826-1779-3 | European Communities | External Trade: Analytical Tables, 1989: Glossarium |
1990 | 978-92-826-1780-9 | S. Buck · A. Colquhoun | Decommissioning of a Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1781-6 | A. Jouan · N. Ouvrier · F. Teulon | Conditionnement des cendres d'incinération par pressage isostatique ou fusion: rapport final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1782-3 | Licinio Chainho Pereira | Vocational profiles and training requirements of foremen and overseers in the textile/clothing sector in Portugal (CEDEFOP document) |
'' | 978-92-826-1784-7 | K Fotinopoulou | Technical training requirements of middle management in the Greek textile and clothing industries (CEDEFOP document) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1795-3 | Not Available | State and Perspectives of Research on Surfaces and Interfaces (Eur Report 13108) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1814-1 | '' | Guide to Transnational Cooperation in the Field of Distance Training |
1990 | 978-92-826-1818-9 | Pierre-Andre Buigues | European Economy: Social Europe: The Impact of the Internal Market by Industrial Sector: The Challenge for the Member States (Special Edition) |
'' | 978-92-826-1825-7 | European Communities | Economic and Monetary Union of the Eec Washington 1991 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1840-0 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables < 196 > 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1841-7 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1842-4 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1843-1 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1844-8 | Not Available | External Trade: Analytical Tables-1989 d 39-43 Import (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1845-5 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1846-2 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1847-9 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1848-6 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1849-3 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1850-9 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1851-6 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1852-3 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1853-0 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1854-7 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables < 196 > 1989 |
'' | 978-92-826-1855-4 | Not Available | External Trade: Analytical Tables, 1989 (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1856-1 | '' | Analytical Tables of External Trade - Nimexe Exports, 1989: Ores and Ores Concentrates, Volume B |
'' | 978-92-826-1857-8 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989: Export, Vol C 28-38: Products of the Chemical and Allied Indust ... TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1858-5 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
1991 | 978-92-826-1859-2 | Not Available | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989, Export, Vol E 44-49 (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1860-8 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989: Export, Vol F 50-67 (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1861-5 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989: Export, Vol G 68-71 (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1862-2 | Not Available | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989, Export, Vol H 72-73 (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1863-9 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables-1989: 74-83 Export (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1864-6 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989, Export, Vol J 84-85 (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1865-3 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989 Export Vol K 86-89: Means of Transportation (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
'' | 978-92-826-1866-0 | '' | External Trade: Analytical Tables/Commerce Exterieur: Tableaux Analytiques, 1989: Export, Vol L 90-99 (ANALYTICAL TABLES OF EXTERNAL TRADE - NIMEXE EXPORTS) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1867-7 | Eurostat | External Trade: Analytical Tables - 1989 |
1990 | 978-92-826-1871-4 | Not Available | Poverty in Figures: Europe in the Early 1980's (Theme 3--Population and Social Conditions. Series C, Accounts, Surveys, and Statistics) |
'' | 978-92-826-1874-5 | Peter Plant | Transnational vocational guidance and training for young people and adults (CEDEFOP document) |
'' | 978-92-826-1876-9 | U. Teichler | Experiences and Careers of Science and Engineering Fellows Supported by the European Community: Surveys of the EC Training Fellowship Scheme ... Policy) (Science & Technology Policy) |
'' | 978-92-826-1878-3 | Not Available | Social Europe: The Social Aspects of the Internal Market (Synthesis of the Six Seminars Which Were Held in Brussels in October, November and Decembe) |
1993 | 978-92-826-1882-0 | The impact of remote sensing on the European statistical information system: Proceedings of the seminar, Bad Neuenahr, 22 to 24 September 1992 (Theme 9, Miscellaneous) |
| 978-92-826-1884-4 | Ec Eur13017 Healschoolsproc1st |
1993 | 978-92-826-1887-5 | G. Caratti · Alvin T. Lewis · D. Howett | Wave Energy R&D: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Cork 1 and 2 October 1992 (Energy / Commission of the European Communities) |
'' | 978-92-826-1888-2 | European Communities | Auto emmissions 2000: Stage 2000 of the European regulations on air polluting emissions of motor vehicles: proceedings of the symposium, Brussels, Palais des Congrès, 21st and 22nd September 1992 |
1990 | 978-92-826-1890-5 | Not Available | Iron and Steel Statistical Yearbook, 1990 |
1990 | 978-92-826-1891-2 | Corps Diplomatique Accr<130>dit<130> Aupr<138>s Des Communaut<130>s Europ<130>ennes: Octobre 1990 |
'' | 978-92-826-1892-9 | W.T. Cook · R.G. Williams · J.A. Avery | Lower-cost Steels for High-strength Fasteners |
'' | 978-92-826-1893-6 | H. Grober · M. Bourdouxhe | Contrôle des déformations des produits longs soumis à un refroidissement naturel ou accéléré pendant ou après le laminage: transformations: rapport final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1894-3 | H. Grober | Contrôle par ordinateur d'un train universel à poutrelles: transformations: rapport final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1895-0 | C. Escaravage | Mechanical Behaviour of Dissimilar Metal Welds: Final Report |
1990 | 978-92-826-1896-7 | F J. Sauter | Metropol: a Computer Code for the Simulation of Transport of Contaminants With Groundwater: Final Report (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1897-4 | J. Malherbe | Characteristics and Management of Waste Produced by the Mox Fuel Cycle in Light-Water Reactors (NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (EUROPEAN COMM INFO SERV)) |
'' | 978-92-826-1898-1 | E. Grethen | Herstellung von hochfesten Schrauben: Gebrauchseigenschaften und Betriebsverhalten: Abschlussbericht (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1899-8 | W. Wilms | Entwicklung einer Warmband-Probenahmestation: Pilot- und Demonstrationsvorhaben: Abschlussbericht (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1900-1 | Pascal Corte · Christian Fabry · G. L. Ferrero | Energy Innovation and the Agro-Food Industry (Eur Report 13142) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1901-8 | T.D. Mac Mahon | Monitoring Gamma Radioactivity Over Large Land Areas Using Portable Equipment: Final Report |
'' | 978-92-826-1902-5 | Vereinigte Schmiedewerke · Commission of the European Communities Directorate General for Science Research and Development | Entwicklung von verschleissfestem Stahl für Eisenbahnräder und Radreifen zur Verwendung im Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr: Gebrauchseigenschaften und Betriebsverhalten: Abschlussbericht (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1903-2 | R.F. Dewsnap | HIC-resistant Steel - Structure and Composite Effects: Final Report |
'' | 978-92-826-1904-9 | J.P. Gauthier | High Cycle Fatigue of Austenitic Stainless Steels: Final Report |
'' | 978-92-826-1905-6 | J.H.R. Page | Low Anisotropy Non-oriented Electrotechnical Steels |
1990 | 978-92-826-1906-3 | A.W. McCrum | Measurement and Control of Strip Shape at the Hot Strip Coiler |
'' | 978-92-826-1907-0 | D. Read | Chemval Project: Report on Stage 2: Application of Speciation Models to Laboratory and Field Data Sets (NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY) |
'' | 978-92-826-1908-7 | J.W. Patrick | Coke Quality and Its Prediction |
'' | 978-92-826-1909-4 | BRITE/EURAM Area 5: Specific Activities Relating to Aeronautics (Industrial Processes Series) |
'' | 978-92-826-1911-7 | Not Available | Reports of the Scientific Committee for Pesticides (THIRD SERIES: AGRICULTURE) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1914-8 | European Communities | Fisheries: Yearly Statistics 1990 |
'' | 978-92-826-1917-9 | Allan Gibb | Training for Small Businesses in the European Community: (Guides to Competency in the Design of Effective Training Programmes) |
'' | 978-92-826-1920-9 | D.N. Crowther · R.C. Cochrane · A.J. Rose | Control of Heat-affected Zone Toughness in Structural Steels |
'' | 978-92-826-1925-4 | European Community Info Serv | Bulletin of the European Community |
1991 | 978-92-826-1934-6 | Agricultural Situation in the Community 1990 |
1990 | 978-92-826-1939-1 | T.W. Packer · B.H. Armitage | Application of Gamma-ray Spectroscopy to the Differentiation Between Mobile and Deposited Fission Products in Pipes |
'' | 978-92-826-1940-7 | Not Available | Radiation Protection Research and Training Program: Review Radiation Protection Program 1960-89 Synopsis of Results 1985-89 |
| 978-92-826-1941-4 | Ec Eur13199 Radiation Protection Pr |
1990 | 978-92-826-1942-1 | N. Swindells · N. Waterman · H. Kr< · 148> · ckel | Materials Information for the European Communities: Proceedings of the Concluding Workshop of the Materials Database Demonstrator Programme, 6 to 8 December 1989, Petten, the Netherlands |
1990 | 978-92-826-1943-8 | L. Munck | Agricultural Refineries--A Bridge from Farm to Industry (EUR REPORT 11583) |
'' | 978-92-826-1944-5 | R. Kaspar · M. Koschlig · C. Lang | Einfluss der Warmumform- und Abkühlbedingungen von Warmband auf das Umwandlungsverhalten perlitischer Stähle zum Kaltumformen: Umwandlung: Abschlussbericht (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1945-2 | Becker Franziska / papan | hin und her |
1990 | 978-92-826-1946-9 | P. Gauje | Mesure du profil transversal d'épaisseur de bande: mesures et analyses: rapport final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1947-6 | Melvin F. Ed. Askew | Agriculture: Rapeseed 00 and Intoxication of Wild Animals Report EUR 11771 EN |
| 978-92-826-1948-3 | Ec Eur13092 Directignition Coal Bu |
1990 | 978-92-826-1950-6 | R. Álvarez | Ampliacíon de la gama de carbones por precalentado: informe final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
'' | 978-92-826-1951-3 | E U. Reuther · A. Heime | Verbesserte Bemessung von Ankerausbau in Abbau- und Basisstrecken: Abschlussbericht (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1952-0 | G.C. Wijland | Evaluation and Development of Hydrogeological and Geochemical Investigation Methods for Aquifers of Low Permeability: Nuclear Science and Technology: Nuclear Science and Technology [series] |
1990 | 978-92-826-1953-7 | S. Derlich | Étude des possibilités de stockage dans les formations géologiques: l'expérience thermo-hydro-mécanique THM: rapport final (Euratom publications - ER) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1954-4 | European Communities | Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Personal Computers and Databases in Occupational Health: Held in Palma De Mallorca, Spain (Industrial Health & Safety) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1955-1 | European Communities | Strategies to Combat Desertification in Mediterranean Europe: Agriculture: Agriculture [series] |
1990 | 978-92-826-1956-8 | J M. Baena | Análisis de boro en aceros por espectrometría ICP: medidas y análisis: informe final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1957-5 | J. Kamberts | Demonstration Plant to Gasify Brown Coal According to the High-temperature Winkler Process: Demonstration Project |
1990 | 978-92-826-1958-2 | N. Milande | Power-saving Process for Waste-water Treatment: Demonstration Project |
1991 | 978-92-826-1961-2 | A. G. Melman | Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Study/Energy (Euro Report 13103) |
'' | 978-92-826-1962-9 | '' | Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Study (Energy) |
'' | 978-92-826-1963-6 | '' | Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems Study: Executive Summary (Energy, Eur 13103) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1966-7 | Eurostat | External Trade: Nomenclature of Goods |
'' | 978-92-826-1967-4 | '' | External Trade: Nomenclature of Goods |
1991 | 978-92-826-1972-8 | '' | Energy: Monthly Statistics 9013Supplement 1990 (Energy) |
1990 | 978-92-826-1973-5 | H P. Lieurade · C. Maillard Salin | Fatigue des tôles plaquées soudées: propriétés et comportement en service: rapport final (Euratom publications - EUR) |
1991 | 978-92-826-1974-2 | K.J. Brown | Study of Strip Tracking in the Finishing Train of a Wide Hot-strip Mill |
1990 | 978-92-826-1979-7 | Commission of the European Communities | Political union: Commission opinion |
1991 | 978-92-826-1984-1 | European Communities | National Accounts Esa: Detailed Tables by Branch: 1980-1988 |
1990 | 978-92-826-1985-8 | Eurostat | External Trade: Nomenclature of Goods |
'' | 978-92-826-1986-5 | K. Johannsen · P. Weber · Q. Feng | Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer in the Transition Region |
1992 | 978-92-826-1991-9 | Michel Bourg< · 138> · s-Maunoury · Barbara L< · 129> · cke | A Europe of Towns and Cities: a Practical Guide to Town-twinning |
1991 | 978-92-826-1996-4 | The Economics of EMU: Background Studies for "European Economy" No. 44, <96>One Market, One Money' |
1991 | 978-92-826-1997-1 | W. Maggi | Cost 202 Bis: Wideband Digital Local Telecommunications Networks (Information Technologies and Sciences, Eur Report 13195) |
'' | 978-92-826-2000-7 | J. DeHoogh · G. Klein Essink · P. Dupuy | Agrimed Research Programme: the Enrichment of Wine in the European Community |
'' | 978-92-826-2001-4 | G.T. Wrixon | The Rosemount Domestic Photovoltaic System: Demonstration Project |
'' | 978-92-826-2002-1 | P. Robinson · J. Littler | Courtyard Passive Solar Houses: Demonstration Project |
1990 | 978-92-826-2003-8 | A. Pauss · E J. Nyns | Biogas Plants in Europe: An Updated Databank: Final Report (Euratom publications - EUR) |
| 978-92-826-2004-5 | Ec Eur 13224 Instphotogenesola |
1991 | 978-92-826-2009-0 | International Chemical Safety Cards: 2nd Series |
'' | 978-92-826-2010-6 | International Chemical Safety Cards: 3rd Series |
1991 | 978-92-826-2011-3 | International Chemical Safety Cards: 4th Series |
'' | 978-92-826-2012-0 | International Chemical Safety Cards: 5th Series |
1993 | 978-92-826-2013-7 | Ec Eur1256111 Industhealthsafet |
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