Tomas B. Garcia

Jones & Bartlett Learning · Medipage

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation978-0-7637-7351-92013
12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation978-0-7637-1284-62000Neil Holtz
12 Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation Instructor's Toolkit978-1-284-04671-72014   "
12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation: Instructor's Toolkit to Accompany978-0-7637-3801-32005Neil E. Holtz · Sabra R. Raulston
Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation978-1-4496-4233-42019Daniel J. Garcia
Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation978-0-7637-2246-32003Geoffrey T. Miller
Arrhythmia Recognition: The Art of Interpretation Instructor's ToolKit CD-ROM978-0-7637-3135-92004J. Mitchell Miller
EKG: sztuka interpretacji978-83-64737-34-32015
EKG Sztuka interpretacji978-83-89769-33-62009Neil E. Holtz
Introduction to 12-Lead ECG: The Art of Interpretation978-1-284-04088-32014
Introduction To 12-Lead ECG: The Art Of Interpretation978-0-7637-1961-62002
The Magic Pill: How I Lost 150 Pounds978-0-7637-2151-02002

B. G. · B Garcia · T. B. · T. Garcia · Tomas Blanco Garcia · Tomas Garcia


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