Stephen Blaha

S. B · Stephen B.

Pingree-Hill Publishing · Prentice Hall

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21st Century Natural Philosophy of Ultimate Physical Reality978-0-9819049-9-32011
A Complete Derivation of the Form of the Standard Model with a New Method to Generate Particle Masses SECOND EDITION978-0-9819049-0-02008
Algebra of Thought & Reality: A New Operator Formulation for Classical & Quantum Logic Obviating Logic Paradoxes & Gödel's Theorem; & Realizing Plato's Theory of Ideas & Reality - The Standard Model978-0-9819049-1-72008
All the Universe! Faster Than Light Tachyon Quark Starships &Particle Accelerators with the Lhc as a Prototype Starship Drive978-0-9845530-1-32011
Bright Stars, Bright Universe: Advancing Civilization by Colonization of the Solar System and the Stars using a Fast Quark Drive978-0-9819049-2-42009
Java Jiving on the Net, with CD-ROM978-0-13-262197-72020
Object-Oriented Modeling & Design978-0-13-629858-81991James Rumbaugh
Operator Metaphysics: A New Metaphysics Based on a New Operator Logic and a New Quantum Operator Logic That Lead to a Mathematical Basis for978-0-9819049-6-22010
Quantum Relativistic Metaphysics: A First principles Basis for the Standard Model of Elementary Particles978-0-9845530-0-62010
Relativistic Quantum Metaphysics: A First Principles Basis for the Standard Model of Elementary Particles978-0-9819049-7-92010
Supercivilizations: Civilizations as Superorganisms978-0-9819049-8-62010
The Algebra of Thought & Reality: Second Edition: The Mathematical Basis for Plato's Theory of Ideas, and Reality Extended to Include A Priori Observers and Space-Time978-0-9819049-3-12009
The Standard Model's Form Derived from Operator Logic, Superluminal Transformations and Gl978-0-9845530-2-02010
To Far Stars and Galaxies: Second Edition of Bright Stars, Bright Universe978-0-9819049-5-52009


Stephen Blair