Sara Honn Qualls

S H · Sara H. Qualls

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Aging and Mental Health978-1-4051-3075-22010Daniel L. Segal · Michael A. Smyer
Aging and Mental Health978-1-55786-557-11999Michael A. Smyer
Aging Families and Caregiving978-0-470-00855-32009Steven H. Zarit
Caregiver Family Therapy: Empowering Families to Meet the Challenges of Aging978-1-4338-1214-92012Ashley A. Williams
Changes in Decision-Making Capacity in Older Adults: Assessment and Intervention978-0-470-03798-02007Michael A. Smyer
End-of-Life Issues, Grief, and Bereavement: What Clinicians Need to Know978-0-470-40693-92010Julia E. Kasl-Godley
Psychotherapy for Depression in Older Adults978-0-470-03797-32006Bob G. Knight

American Psychological Association · Wiley · Wiley-Blackwell


Sara Hoormann