Samuel Sandmel

Rabbi Samuel Sandmel · S S · S Sandmel

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publication
A Jewish Understanding of the New TestamentPaperback978-1-59473-048-12004
Alone atop the mountainHardcover978-0-385-03877-51973
Anti-Semitism in the New Testament?   "978-0-8006-0521-61978
Enjoyment of Scripture: The Law, the Prophets and the Writings   "978-0-19-501590-41973
First Christian Century in Judaism and Christianity   "978-0-19-631780-91969
Judaism and Christian BeginningsPaperback978-0-19-502282-71987
Philo of Alexandria: An IntroductionHardcover978-0-19-502514-91979
Philo of Alexandria: An IntroductionPaperback978-0-19-502515-61979
The Enjoyment of Scripture: The Law, the Prophets and the Writings   "978-0-19-501783-01974
THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CENTURY IN JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY Certainties and UncertaintiesHardcover978-0-19-501199-91969
The Hebrew Scriptures: An Introduction to their Literature and Religious IdeasPaperback978-0-19-502369-51978
Tomorrow's AmericanHardcover978-0-19-502160-81977
We Jews and JesusPaperback978-0-19-501676-51973
We Jews and Jesus: Exploring Theological Differences for Mutual Understanding   "978-1-59473-208-92006

Doubleday · Fortress Press · Oxford University Press · SkyLight Paths


Samuel Sandoval-Solis