Robert Duxbury

R.D. · Robert D.

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Contract Law : 1Paperback978-0-421-92410-92006
Contract Law   "978-0-414-04603-02011
Contract Law   "978-1-84703-127-32008
Contract Law   "978-0-421-78360-72003
Nutshell Contract Law   "978-0-414-03583-62015
Nutshell Contract Law   "978-1-84703-496-02009
Nutshells: Contract Law Revision Aid and Study Guide   "978-0-414-02293-52012
Planning Law and ProcedureHardcover978-0-406-66521-81986A.E. Telling
Planning Law and ProcedurePaperback978-0-406-66522-51986   "
Statutes on Environmental Law   "978-0-19-927304-12004Sandra Morton
Statutes on Environmental Law   "978-0-19-925528-32002   "
Telling & Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure   "978-0-19-955320-42009
Telling and Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure   "978-0-19-965502-12013
Telling and Duxbury's Planning Law and Procedure   "978-0-19-928804-52005A.E. Telling
Telling And Duxbury's Planning Law And Procedure   "978-0-406-94796-32005R. M. C. Duxbury · A. E. Telling

Butterworths Law · Oxford University Press · Sweet & Maxwell


Robert Dvorak Regis