Richardson Dilworth

R.D. · Richard Delorit

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
China's Urban Future and the Quest for StabilityHardcover978-0-7735-5942-42019Rebecca Clothey
Social Capital in the City: Community and Civic Life in PhiladelphiaPaperback978-1-59213-345-12006
The City in American Political DevelopmentHardcover978-0-415-99099-82009
The City in American Political DevelopmentPaperback978-0-415-99100-12009
The City in American Political Development978-0-203-88110-1
Urban Informatics: Collaboration at the nexus of policy, technology and design, people and dataPaperback978-1-138-29980-12018Kristene Unsworth · Andrea Forte
Urban Informatics: Collaboration at the nexus of policy, technology and design, people and dataHardcover978-1-138-11949-92015Kristene Unsworth · Andrea Forte

McGill-Queen's University Press · Routledge · Temple University Press


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