Regina Y. Liu

R. L · R. Liu · Regina Liu · Y. Liu

Amer Mathematical Society · Springer

TitelArt ISBN-13
andere Autoren
Data Depth: Robust Multivariate Analysis, Computational Geometry and ApplicationsHardcover
2006Robert Serfling · and Diane L. Souvaine
Robust Rank-Based and Nonparametric Methods: Michigan, USA, April 2015: Selected, Revised, and Extended ContributionsTaschenbuch 978-3-319-81809-2
2018Joseph W. McKean
Robust Rank-Based and Nonparametric Methods: Michigan, USA, April 2015: Selected, Revised, and Extended ContributionsGebunden 978-3-319-39063-5
2016  "


Régina Yaari