Quantum Integrations

Integrations Quantum · Quantum I · Quantum Integrations) Quantum Integrations

Cengage Learning · Course Technology Inc

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100% Information Literacy Success978-1-4180-4818-12007
Career Success Learning Guide978-1-4018-6655-62004
Complete Curriculum Pharm Tech Licensing978-1-4018-3963-52004
Course Forward Coding Learning Guide978-1-4018-6691-42004
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Course Forward Health Information Management Learning Guide978-1-4018-6692-12004
Course Forward Hospital Billing Learning Guide978-1-4018-6690-72004
Course Forward Medical Insurance, Coding & Billing Learning Guide978-1-4018-6689-12004
Curiculum - Pharm Tech Core Student978-1-4018-3960-42004
Facult Dvlpmnt/Career Colleges978-1-4018-4318-22004
Faculty Development Companion Workbook Module 7:: Teaching Students How to Learn978-1-4180-4793-12006Amy Solomon
Faculty Development Companion Workbook Module 8:: Technology in the Classroom978-1-4180-4794-82006   "
Faculty Development Companion Workbook Module 11:: Techniques for Teaching Special Populations978-1-4180-4797-92006   "
Faculty Development Companion Workbook Module 14:: Teaching with the Experiential Learning and the Internship978-1-4180-5017-72006   "
Faculty Development Companion Workbook Module 16:: Working with Advisory Boards978-1-4180-5019-12006   "
Faculty Development Programme Bootcamp978-1-4018-8192-42005
Faculty Development Workbook: Module 4: Strategies for Active Learning978-1-4180-3726-02006Amy Solomon
Faculty Gd-Crse Forward Coding978-1-4018-6685-32004
Faculty Gde/Gen Ed Career Succ978-1-4018-6648-82004
Faculty Gde/Gen Ed Communicati978-1-4018-6644-02004
Faculty Gde/Gen Ed Computer AP978-1-4018-6647-12004
Faculty Gde/Gen Ed English Fun978-1-4018-6643-32004
Faculty Gde/Gen Ed Math Fundmn978-1-4018-6646-42004
Faculty Gde/Gen Ed Psychology978-1-4018-6649-52004
Faculty Gde-Health Info Mgmnt978-1-4018-6686-02004
Faculty Gde-Hospital Billing978-1-4018-6684-62004
Faculty Gde/Med Core Insurance978-1-4018-6662-42004
Faculty Gde/Med Lab Procedures978-1-4018-6679-22004
Faculty Gd/Med Core Law/Ethics978-1-4018-6661-72004
Faculty Gd/Med Core Office Pro978-1-4018-6663-12004
Faculty Gd/Med Core Pharmaclgy978-1-4018-6664-82004
Faculty Gd/Med Core Terminolog978-1-4018-6659-42004
Faculty Gd-Med Insurance,Billi978-1-4018-6683-92004
Faculty Gd/Med MGR V10 F/Wndws978-1-4018-6687-72004
Faculty Gd-Pharmacy Practice I978-1-4018-6697-62004
Faculty Gd-Pharm Practice II978-1-4018-6698-32004
General Psychology Lrng Guide978-1-4018-6656-32004
I&C PROGRAM CORE CURR-FACULTY978-1-4018-3956-72004
I&C PROGRAM CORE CURR-STUDENT978-1-4018-3957-42004
Ie 100 Student Success 2e978-1-111-35164-92011
Ie 100 Student Success 2e978-1-111-35165-62011
*Lg Principles of Info Securi978-0-619-21228-52003
*Lg Web Security978-0-619-21226-12003
Lrgn Gd/Gen Ed Math Fundamntls978-1-4018-6653-22004
Lrgn Gd/Med-Intrprsnl Communic978-1-4018-6676-12004
Lrng Gde/English Fundamentals978-1-4018-6651-82004
Lrng Gde/Gen Ed Communications978-1-4018-6652-52004
Lrng Gde Med Core-Pharmacology978-1-4018-6675-42004
Lrng Gd/Gen Ed Computer Applic978-1-4018-6654-92004
Lrng Gd/Med Asst-Lab Procedure978-1-4018-6681-52004
Lrng Gd/Med Core-Anat/Physiolo978-1-4018-6666-22004
Lrng Gd Med Core-Law and Ethics978-1-4018-6669-32004
Lrng Gd Med Core-Med Insurance978-1-4018-6670-92004
Lrng Gd/Med Core-Med Terminlgy978-1-4018-6667-92004
Lrng Gd/Med Core-Office Proced978-1-4018-6673-02004
MA PROGRAM CORE CURR-FACULTY978-1-4018-3954-32003
MED CORE COURSE CURR-FACULTY978-1-4018-3952-92003
Med MGR V10 Wndws Learning Gde978-1-4018-6693-82004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 1 Understanding the Adult Learner978-1-4018-4317-52004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 2 Teacher Preparation978-1-4018-4319-92004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 3 Techniques for Classroom Presentation978-1-4018-4320-52004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 4 Strategies for Active Learning978-1-4018-4321-22004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 5 Assessing and Evaluating the Adult Learner978-1-4018-4322-92004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 6 Classroom Management for the Adult978-1-4018-4323-62004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 7 Teaching Students How to Learn978-1-4018-4325-02004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 8 Technology in the Classroom978-1-4018-4327-42004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 9 Teaching Online978-1-4018-4328-12004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 10 Customer Service in the Classroom978-1-4018-4329-82004
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 11 Techniques for Teaching Special Populations978-1-4018-8193-12005
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 12 Creating an Innovative Learning Environment978-1-4018-8194-82005
Milady U Faculty Development: Module 13 Teaching in a Lab or Shop Environment978-1-4018-8195-52005
Pharmacology with Labs Learning Guide978-1-4018-6696-92004
Pharmacology W/Labs Faculty Gd978-1-4018-6695-22004
Pharmacy Practice II Learning Guide978-1-4018-6700-32004
Pharmacy Practice I Learning Guide978-1-4018-6699-02004
PHARM TECH CORE CURR-FACULTY978-1-4018-3959-82004
Residential Integrator's Certification978-1-4180-1409-42006Delmar Learning
Residential Integrators Home Entertainment Systems978-1-4354-4003-62009Todd B. Adams
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Teaching Gde/Med Core Med Math978-1-4018-6660-02004
Teaching Gd/Med Core Anat/Phys978-1-4018-6658-72004
Workbook for Faculty Development: Module 3 Techniques for Classroom Presentation978-1-4180-3725-32006Amy Solomon
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 1 Understanding the Adult Learner978-1-4180-3723-92006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 2 Teacher Preparation978-1-4180-3724-62006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 5 Assessing and Evaluating the Adult Learner978-1-4180-4791-72006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 6 Classroom Management for the Adult978-1-4180-4792-42006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 9 Teaching Online978-1-4180-4795-52006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 10 Customer Service in the Classroom978-1-4180-4796-22006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development Module 13 Teaching in a Lab or Shop Environment978-1-4180-4799-32006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 15 Teaching Professional Competencies Across Curriculum978-1-4180-5018-42006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 17 Teaching Information Literacy and Library Use978-1-4180-5020-72006   "
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Teacher Training Bootcamp978-1-4180-4800-62006   "


Quantum Integrations) Quantum Integrations