Publishing Janes

Janes Publishing · P.J.

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
International Defence DirectoryHardcover978-0-7106-1140-61994
International Defence DirectoryPaperback978-0-7106-1090-41993
Jane's All the World's AircraftHardcover978-0-7106-1262-51995
Jane's Infantry Weapons   "978-0-7106-0829-11986
Jane's Military Communications   "978-0-7106-0824-61986
Jane's Spaceflight Directory '86   "978-0-7106-0367-81986Turnill Reginald · Janes Publishing
Jane's Urban Transport System '86   "978-0-7106-0826-01985Bushell Chris · Stonham Peter · Janes Publishing

Publius, James Monroe, Arthur de Gobineau, Rudyard Kipling, Mao Tse-Tung, E. P. Thompson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Vernon L. Parrington, Norman Foerster, Robert and Helen Merrell Lynd, Alice Kessler-Harris.