Piero Ferri

P.F. · P. Ferri

Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd · Springer

titlemedia type ISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Aggregate Demand, Inequality and InstabilityHardcover 978-1-78643-304-62016
Minsky'S Moment: An Insider's View on the Economics of Hyman Minsky   " 978-1-78897-372-42019
The Labor Market and Business Cycle TheoriesPaperback 978-0-387-50866-51989Edward Greenberg
The Labor Market and Business Cycle TheoriesTaschenbuch
978-3-540-50866-31989   "
Wages, Regime Switching, and Cycles   "
Wages, Regime Switching, and CyclesHardcover 978-0-387-55059-61992Edward Greenberg
Wages, Regime Switching, and CyclesGebunden
978-3-540-55059-41992   "


Piero Ferrucci