Phyllis Deane

P Deane · Paulj. Donahue · Phyllis Dain

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
A Lexicon of EconomicsHardcover978-1-138-41896-72017
British Economic Growth 1688–1959: Trends and StructurePaperback978-0-521-09569-31969W. A. Cole
British Economic Growth 1688–1959: Trends and StructureHardcover978-0-521-04801-91967   "
Colonial Social AccountingPaperback978-1-107-60128-42011
İlk sanayi inkılâbı   "978-975-16-0005-91994
The Evolution of Economic IdeasHardcover978-0-521-21928-01978
The Evolution of Economic IdeasPaperback978-0-521-29315-01978
The First Industrial Revolution   "978-0-521-29609-01980
The State and the Economic System: Introduction to the History of Political Economy   "978-0-19-289169-31989
The State and the Economic System: Introduction to the History of Political EconomyHardcover978-0-19-219187-81988

Cambridge University Press · Oxford University Press · Routledge


Phyllis Dearborn Massar