Phoebe Caldwell

P. C. · P. Caldwell · Phoebe Caldwell with Jane Horwood

title ISBN-13year of publication
Delicious Conversations Reflections on Autism, Intimacy and Communication 978-1-908993-05-22012
Du weißt nicht, wie das ist!: Wirkungsvolle Interaktion mit Menschen mit Störungen im autistischen Spektrum und schweren Lernbehinderungen
Finding You Finding Me: Using Intensive Interaction to get in touch with people whose severe learning disabilities are combined with autistic spectrum disorder 978-1-84310-399-82005
From Isolation to Intimacy: Making Friends without Words 978-1-84310-500-82007
Listening with All Our Senses: Establishing Communication with People on the Autistic Spectrum or Those with Profound Learning Disabilities and Sometimes Distressed Behaviour 978-1-908993-00-72013
Using Intensive Interaction and Sensory Integration: A Handbook for Those who Support People with Severe Autistic Spectrum Disorder 978-1-84310-626-52008

Beltz Juventa · Jessica Kingsley Publishers · Pavilion Publishing and Media


Phoebe Caldwell with Jane Horwood