Peter Wennrich

P W. · P Wennrich · Peter W.

De Gruyter Saur · French & European Pubns

Titel ISBN-13Erschei-
andere Autoren
Anglo-American and German abbreviations in data processing 978-3-598-20524-81900
Anglo-American and German Abbreviations in Environmental Protection 978-3-598-10060-41980
Anglo-American and German Abbreviations in Science and Technology 978-3-7940-1014-11976
Anglo-American and German Abbreviations in Science and Technology = Anglo-Amerikanische Und Deutsche Abk”Urzungen in Wissenschaft Und Technik 978-3-7940-1044-81978
Anglo Amerikanische Abkuerzungen und Kurzwoerter der Elektrotechnik English German
Dictionary of Electronics and Information Processing /Wörterbuch der Elektronik und Informationsverarbeitung: English-German /Englisch-Deutsch, German-English /Deutsch-Englisch 978-3-598-10885-31990
ENCYCLOP.DICT. ELECTRONICS 5 978-3-598-10846-41997
ENCYCLOP.DICT. ELECTRONICS 6 978-3-598-10847-11997
ENCYCLOP.DICT. ELECTRONICS 7 978-3-598-10848-81997
ENCYCLOP.DICT. ELECTRONICS 8 978-3-598-10849-51997
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Information Processing: English-German. German-English / Englisch-Deutsch. Deutsch-Englisch 978-3-598-10680-42008
Handbook of International Documentation and Information: Anglo-American and German Abbreviations in Science and Technology Pt.1, A-E 978-3-7940-1024-01976
International dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms of electronics, electrical engineering, computer technology, and information processing: Vol. 1: A - I. Vol. 2: J - Z 978-3-598-10977-51992
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: A - Deo 978-3-598-22989-31999Michael Peschke
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Db - Gb 978-3-598-22972-51996  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Dep - Glaz 978-3-598-22990-91999  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Edition K - Net 978-3-598-22992-31999  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Gc - Iz 978-3-598-22973-21997  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Glc - J 978-3-598-22991-61999  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: J - Mu 978-3-598-22974-91997  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Mv - Po 978-3-598-22975-61997  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part II Reversed Edition Neu - Reg 978-3-598-22993-01999  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Part II Reversed Edition T - Z 978-3-598-22995-42000  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Pp - Sf 978-3-598-22976-31997  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Reh - S 978-3-598-22994-72000  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Sg - Th 978-3-598-22977-01997  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology / Supplement A - L 978-3-598-22979-41998  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Supplement L - Z 978-3-598-22988-61998  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms in Science and Technology: Ti - Z 978-3-598-22978-71997  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms of Organizations 978-3-598-22169-91994Paul Spillner
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms of Organizations / Internationale Enzyklopädie der Abkürzungen und Akronyme von Organisationen 978-3-598-22160-61990  "
International Encyclopedia of Abbreviations and Acronyms of Science and Technology 978-3-598-22970-11995Michael Peschke


Peter Wensierski