Percy E Burrup

E.B. · P.E. · PERCY B

Allyn and Bacon · HarperCollins

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Financing Education in a Climate of Change978-0-205-28783-31998Vern Brimley · Rulon R. Garfield
Financing Education in a Climate of Change978-0-205-19438-41996Vern, Jr Brimley · Rulon R. Garfield · Vern Brimley
Financing Education in a Climate of Change978-0-205-14624-61993Vern Brimley · Rulon R. Garfield
Financing Education in a Climate of Change978-0-205-11159-61988
Financing education in a climate of change978-0-205-07748-91982
Financing education in a climate of change978-0-205-05696-51977
The teacher and the public school system978-0-06-041062-91972


Percy E. Matheson