Paul Lashmar

Lashmar Paul · Paul L.

Edinburgh University Press · The History Press

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Britain's Secret Propaganda War: Foreign Office and the Cold War, 1948-77Hardcover978-0-7509-1668-41998James Oliver
Spies, Spin and the Fourth Estate: British Intelligence and the Media   "978-1-4744-4307-42020
Spin, Spies and the Fourth Estate: British Intelligence and the MediaPaperback978-1-4744-4308-12020
Spyflights of the Cold War   "978-0-7509-1970-81998
Spyflights of the Cold WarHardcover978-0-7509-1183-21996


Paul Lasley