Pat Willard

P W.

titleISBN-13year of publication
America Eats!: On the Road with the WPA - the Fish Fries, Box Supper Socials, and Chitlin Feasts That Define978-1-59691-623-42009
America Eats!: On the Road with the WPA - the Fish Fries, Box Supper Socials, and Chitlin Feasts That Define Real American Food978-1-59691-362-22008
Secrets of Saffron: The Vagabond Life of the World's Most Seductive Herb978-0-285-63636-12002
Secrets of Saffron: The Vagabond Life of the World's Most Seductive Spice978-0-8070-5009-52002
Secrets of Saffron: The Vagabond Life of the Worlds Most Seductive Spice978-0-8070-5008-82001

Beacon Press · Bloomsbury USA · Souvenir Press Ltd


Pat William