Norman Medoff

N M · Norman J. Medoff

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later978-0-240-81256-42010Barbara K. Kaye
Electronic Media: Then, Now, and Later978-0-205-34530-42004   "
Portable Video: ENG & EFP: ENG and EFP978-0-240-80438-52001Edward J. Fink · Tom Tanquary
Portable Video: ENG & EFP: ENG and EFP978-0-240-80285-51997Tom Tanquary
Portable Video: News and Field Production978-1-138-12998-62015Edward J. Fink
Portable Video: News and Field Production: ENG and EFP978-0-240-80797-32007   "
The World Wide Web: A Mass Communication Perspective, 2001 Update978-0-7674-2424-02001Barbara Kaye

Allyn and Bacon · Focal Press · McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages · Routledge


Norman Melchert