Murray Cox

M.C. · M. Cox · Murray Cox and Alice Theilgaard

Jessica Kingsley · Pergamon Press

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Forensic Psychotherapy: Crime, Psychodynamics and the Offender Patient: Crime, Pyschodynamics and the Offender PatientPaperback978-1-85302-634-81998Christopher Cordess
Mutative Metaphors in Psychotherapy: The Aeolian Mode   "978-1-85302-459-71997Alice Theilgaard
Shakespeare as Prompter: The Amending Imagination and the Therapeutic Process   "978-1-85302-159-61994   "
Structuring the Therapeutic Process: Compromise with Chaos - A Therapist's Response to the Individual and the Group   "978-0-08-020402-41978
Structuring the Therapeutic Process: Compromise with Chaos - A Therapist's Response to the Individual and the GroupHardcover978-0-08-020403-11978


Murray Cox and Alice Theilgaard