Moshe Dayan

M. D. · Mosche Dajan · Moshe Dayan Center and the Suleyman Demirel Program for Contemporary Turkish Studies

title ISBN-13year of publica-
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Breakthrough: A Personal Account of the Egypt-Israel Peace Negotiations
Breakthrough: A Personal Account of the Egypt-Israel Peace Negotiations 978-99929-2-121-01981
Die Mission meines Lebens
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Leben mit der Bibel. Archäologie im Heiligen Land
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Living with the Bible. Yediot Aharonot Ed. 978-965-248-002-61978
Moshe Dayan: Story of My Life: An Autobiography
Mosheh Dayan: ʻal tahalikh ha-shalom ṿa-ʻatidah shel Yiśraʼel: devarim be-khinse ha-Bamah li-verurim mediniyim ṿe-ḥevratiyim 978-965-05-0390-11988
Shall the Sword Devour Forever; 978-965-248-042-21981

Bertelsmann · Domino · Molden, Mchn. · Random House · William Morrow and Company


Moshe Dayan Center and the Suleyman Demirel Program for Contemporary Turkish Studies