Erickson Millard J. Erickson · M.E · M. Erickson · Millard J. Erickson
title | ISBN-13 | year of publication |
Basic Guide to Eschatology, A: Making Sense of the Millennium | 978-0-8010-5836-3 | 1998 |
Christian Theology | 978-0-8010-2182-4 | 1998 |
Introducing Christian Doctrine | 978-0-8010-2250-0 | 2001 |
Making Sense of the Trinity: Three Crucial Questions | 978-0-8010-6287-2 | 2000 |
New Evangelical Theology | 978-0-551-05019-8 | 1969 |
Postmodernizing the Faith: Evangelical Responses to the Challenge of Postmodernism | 978-0-8010-2164-0 | 1998 |
The Living God: Readings in Christian Theology | 978-0-8010-3305-6 | 1973 |
The Postmodern World | 978-1-58134-342-7 | 2002 |
Who's Tampering with the Trinity?: An Assessment of the Subordination Debate | 978-0-8254-2589-9 | 2009 |
Word Became Flesh, The: A Contemporary Incarnational Christology | 978-0-8010-2063-6 | 1996 |
Baker Book House · Crossway Books · Editorial Portavoz · Marshall Pickering