Michael Milone

Macmillan · McGraw-Hill

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Imagine It! Grade 3 Unit 2 Animals and Their Habitats Teachers Edition978-0-07-609506-32008Dr. Laura Apol
Imagine It! Grade 3 Unit 6 Teachers Edition978-0-07-609510-02008   "
Imagine It! Grade 6 Unit 3 Ecology Teachers Edition978-0-07-609525-42008   "
Scoring High in on the Comprehessive Tests of Basic Skills- Tests -Primary978-0-07-001851-81991
Scoring High: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Book 5, Teacher's Edition978-0-07-604376-72007
Scoring High on the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills: Book A - Teacher's Edition978-0-07-001854-91991
Scoring High on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills978-0-02-687050-41997
Scoring High on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills978-0-02-687061-01997
Scoring High on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Book 5, Teacher's Edition978-0-02-687056-61997
Scoring High on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Grade 1, Teacher's Edition978-0-02-687048-11997
Scoring High on the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills - Itbs, Book 1978-0-02-687047-41997
Scoring High on the Metropolitan Achievement Tests, Book 4978-0-02-687382-61996
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test, 2nd edition978-0-02-687895-11997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test978-0-02-687893-71997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test, Book 1 ,Teacher's Edition978-0-02-687894-41997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test, Book 3978-0-02-687897-51997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test, Book 4978-0-02-687899-91997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test, Book 5 Teacher's Edition978-0-02-687902-61997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test: Book 6,Teacher's Edition978-0-02-687904-01997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test, Book 7978-0-02-687905-71997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test: Grade 7, Teacher's Edition978-0-02-687906-41997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Tests: Book 5978-0-02-687901-91997
Scoring High on the Stanford Achievement Test, Vol. 2: A Program That Teaches Achievement Test Behaviors978-0-02-687896-81997
SRA Imagine It! Courage Unit 5 Teacher's Edition978-0-07-609503-22008Dr. Laura Apol
Teacher's Edition for Scoring High on the Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills: Primary978-0-07-001852-51991
Teacher's Edition for Scoring High on the Ohio Proficiency Tests: Grade 4978-0-02-687044-31997

contributing Author Michael Milone · M M · M. Milone · Michael M. · Michael N. Milone


Michael Miloro