Mario Baldassarri

M B · M. Baldassarri · Mario Baldassarri, Fabio Castiglionesi Franco Modigliani

titlemedia type ISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Antitrust, Regulation and CompetitionHardcover
978-1-4039-0803-22003L. Lambertini
Il miracolo possibile. Un programma per l'economia italianaCopertina flessibile 978-88-420-4951-71996Franco Modigliani · Fabio Castiglionesi
Quo Vadis: World Economy and Institutions at a CrossroadsHardcover
The European Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: Errors of the Past and Needs for the FutureTaschenbuch
The European Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: Errors of the Past and Needs for the FutureGebunden

Laterza · Palgrave Macmillan · Springer


Mario Baldassarri, Fabio Castiglionesi Franco Modigliani