Kirszner Mandell

Bedford/St. Martin's · Cengage Learning

titleISBN-13year of publication
Bundle: Cengage Advantage Books: The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook, 6th + Aplia for Grammar Printed Access Card, 6th978-1-305-24183-12014
Foundations First - Sentences and Paragraphs - 5th Edit978-1-4576-3361-42015
Iac 2 Sem Enh Inste F Ww Hdbk978-0-538-74190-32010
Iac Aplia W Ebk the Wadsworth978-1-285-86048-02013
Iac Eng21 Brf Ww Hb Mla Up 6e978-1-4390-8457-12009
Iac Enh Ins F Ww Hdbk 2 Sem978-1-285-07747-52013
Iac Enh Insite Concise Wd Hbk978-0-538-48720-72010
Iac Mm Ebk 2 Sem Wads Hdbk 9e978-0-538-48647-72010
Iac Pt Pocket Wadsworth Hndbk978-1-285-44691-22014
Iac Ptutr Concise Ww Hdbk 2009978-0-538-48934-82009
Iac Ptutr Ww Hdbk 2009 Mla Upd978-0-538-48936-22009
Ie Brief Ww Handbook 7e978-1-111-83304-62012
Ie Comp Lit Rdg Reac Wrtg 8e978-1-111-83931-42012
Ie Port Lit Rdg React Wrtg 8e978-1-111-83930-72012
Im Lit Reading Reacting Wrt 8e978-1-111-83655-92012
Patterns for College Writing - A Rhetorical Reader and Guide978-1-4576-9941-22015
Practical Argument978-1-319-06909-42017
Printed Access Card Ebook: The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook978-1-285-22039-02011
Sso Prm Wbs for Lit978-1-111-34886-12011
Writing First - Paragraphs and Essays - 6th Edit978-1-4576-8156-12015

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Kirt Manecke