Ken Sakamura

K S · K. Sakamura

Springer · 共立出版 (kyouritsushuppan)

titlemedia type ISBN-13year of publication
TRON o tsukuruHardcover 978-4-320-02366-61987
TRON Project 1987 Open-Architecture Computer Systems: Proceedings of the Third TRON Project SymposiumPaperback 978-4-431-68071-02011
TRON Project 1987 Open Architecture Computer Systems: Proceedings of the Third TRON Project SymposiumHardcover 978-4-431-70027-21987
TRON Project 1988: Open-Architecture Computer SystemsPaperback 978-4-431-68083-32011
TRON Project 1988: Open Architecture Computer Systems. Proceedings of the Fifth TRON Project SymposiumHardcover 978-4-431-70038-81989
Tron Project 1988: Open Architecture Computer Systems. Proceedings of the Fifth Tron Project SymposiumGebunden
TRON Project 1989: Open-Architecture Computer SystemsPaperback 978-4-431-68104-52011
TRON Project 1989: Open-Architecture Computer SystemsHardcover 978-4-431-70050-01989
Tron Project 1989: Open Architecture Computer Systems: Proceedings of the Sixth Tron Project Symposium   "
TRON Project 1989: Open Architecture Computer Systems - Symposium ProceedingsGebunden
TRON Project 1990: Open-Architecture Computer SystemsPaperback 978-4-431-68131-12012
TRON Project 1990: Open Architecture Computer SystemsHardcover 978-4-431-70066-11991
Tron Project 1990: Open-Architecture Computer Systems: Proceedings of the Seventh Tron Project Symposium   "
TRON Project 1990: Open Architecture Computer Systems - Symposium ProceedingsGebunden
Virtual Architecture the Difference Betw


Ken Sakata