Judi Curtin

J C · Jota Cardona · Judy Carden · Judy Cardinal

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Alice Again978-0-86278-956-52006
Alice and Megan Forever978-1-84717-119-12008
Alice de Novo978-85-01-08628-02012
Alice in the Middle978-1-84717-038-52007
Alice Next Door978-0-86278-898-82005
Alice to the Rescue978-1-84717-175-72009
Bonjour Alice978-1-84717-096-52008
Don't Ask Alice978-1-84717-023-12007
Eva's Holiday978-1-84717-280-82011
Eva's Journey978-1-84717-224-22010
Friends Forever: Double Trouble978-0-14-133511-72012
Friends Forever: The Time Spell978-0-14-133502-52011
Minha Vizinha Alice - Volume 1978-85-01-07783-72008
Nao Pergunte a Alice978-85-01-08629-72013
See If I Care978-1-84717-021-72007Roisin Meaney

Penguin · Record · The O'Brien Press


Judi Cuthbertson