Joyce Daoust

J.D. · Jesse Duquette

title ISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition: The Dietary Hormonal Connection to Permanent Weight Loss and Better Health 978-1-56912-086-61996Gene Daoust
Das Anti-Fett Programm
978-3-8289-2122-12006   "
Die Anti-Fett-Formel
978-3-310-00763-12002   "
Formula 101: Maintaining 40-30-30 Nutrition for a Lifetime 978-0-345-45523-92003   "
Formula 101: Mastering 40-30-30 Nutrition for Life 978-0-345-45059-32002   "
The Formula: A Personalized 40-30-30 Weight Loss Program 978-0-345-44306-92001   "
The Formula: A Personalized 40-30-30 Weight-Loss Program 978-0-345-44305-22000   "
The Formula: The Sensational 40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition Programme 978-0-09-185744-82001   "

Ballantine Books · Midena · Random House · Wharton Pub


Joyce Dargay