John L. Worrall

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
An Introduction to Criminal Evidence: Cases and ConceptsHardcover978-0-19-533256-82008R. Alan Thompson · Lisa S. Nored · Craig Hemmens
Bundle: Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Criminal Justice, Loose-leaf Version, 8th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access CardLoose Leaf978-1-285-99449-92013Larry J. Siegel
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, 8th + Introduction to Criminal Justice: Current Perspectives from InfoTracPaperback978-1-133-39931-52012   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, 9th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card   "978-1-305-36180-52014   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, 10th + LMS Integrated MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card   "978-1-337-12394-52016   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, 10th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card   "978-1-305-93449-82016   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, 11th + MindTapV2.0, 1 term Printed Access Card   "978-0-357-10252-72019   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice + Careers in Criminal Justice Printed Access Card   "978-1-133-39245-32012   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice + Criminal Justice CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card   "978-1-133-39278-12012   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, Loose-Leaf Version, 10th + LMS Integrated MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access CardLoose Leaf978-1-337-15017-02016   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, Loose-leaf Version, 10th + LMS Integrated MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card + Fall 2017 Activation Printed Access CardCD-ROM978-1-337-57223-12016   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, Loose-Leaf Version, 10th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access CardLoose Leaf978-1-305-93450-42016   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, Loose-leaf Version, 10th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card + Fall 2017 Activation Printed Access CardCD-ROM978-1-337-57221-72016   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice, Loose-leaf Version, 11th + MindTapV2.0, 1 term Printed Access CardLoose Leaf978-0-357-10254-12019   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice + WebTutorTM on Blackboard with eBook on Gateway Printed Access CardPaperback978-1-133-39784-72012   "
Bundle: Essentials of Criminal Justice + WebTutorTM on WebCT with eBook on Gateway Printed Access Card   "978-1-133-39582-92012   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th + Careers in Criminal Justice Printed Access CardHardcover978-1-111-65038-42011   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th + Study Guide   "978-1-111-65100-82011   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th + Web Site Printed Access Card for Careers in Criminal Justice - CA   "978-1-133-15647-52011   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th + WebTutor™ on Blackboard with eBook on Gateway Printed Access Card   "978-1-111-65055-12011   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th + WebTutor™ on WebCT™ with eBook on Gateway Printed Access Card   "978-1-111-65093-32011   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13th + WebTutorTM on WebCTTM Printed Access Card for Criminal Justice Media Library   "978-1-111-65061-22011   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 15th + LMS Integrated for MindTap Criminal Justice Printed Access Card   "978-1-305-62276-02015   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 15th + LMS Integreated for MindTap Criminal Justice Printed Access CardLoose Leaf978-1-305-70002-42015   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 15th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access CardHardcover978-1-305-59138-72015   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 16th + LMS Integrated MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card   "978-1-337-57457-02017   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 16th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card   "978-1-337-57456-32017   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, 16th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card, Enhanced   "978-0-357-25108-92019   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice + Criminal Justice CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card   "978-1-111-99840-02011   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, Loose-Leaf Version, 15th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access CardLoose Leaf978-1-305-70003-12015   "
Bundle: Introduction to Criminal Justice, Loose-Leaf Version, 16th + MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card, Enhanced   "978-0-357-25110-22019   "
CD for Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to AppealCD-ROM978-0-13-504322-62009
CD-ROM with Supreme Court Case Excerpts   "978-0-205-41006-42003
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Criminal JusticeRingeinband978-1-285-45838-02014Larry J. Siegel
Cengage Advantage Books: Essentials of Criminal JusticeLoose Leaf978-1-111-84181-22012   "
Cengage Advantage Books: Introduction to Criminal Justice   "978-1-285-06909-82013   "
Cengage Learning eBook Instant Access Code for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal JusticeCD-ROM978-1-111-86257-22011   "
Cengage Learning eBook Printed Access Card for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13thPrinted Access Code978-1-111-86256-52011   "
CengageNOW on WebCTTM Printed Access Card for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice   "978-0-8400-5679-52011   "
CengageNOW with eBook, InfoTrac 1-Semester Printed Access Card for Siegel/Worrall's Introduction to Criminal Justice   "978-1-111-73781-82011   "
Civil Lawsuits, Citizen Complaints, and Policing InnovationsLibrary Binding978-1-931202-11-42001
CourseMate, 1 term Printed Access Card for Gaines/Worrall's Police Administration, 3rdPrinted Access Code978-1-111-63967-92011Larry K. Gaines
CourseMate Printed Access Card for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 14th   "978-1-285-07389-72013Larry J. Siegel
Courts and Criminal Justice in AmericaPaperback978-0-13-345999-92014Larry J. Siegel · Frank Schmalleger
Courts and Criminal Justice in America   "978-0-13-174576-62010Larry J. Siegel · Frank Schmalleger
Courts and Criminal Justice in America, Student Value Edition Plus Revel -- Access Card PackageLoose Leaf978-0-13-472180-42017Larry J Siegel · Frank Schmalleger
Crime Control in America: An Assessment of the EvidencePaperback978-0-205-41879-42005
Crime Control in America: What Works?   "978-0-13-484818-12018
Crime Control in America: What Works?   "978-0-13-349548-52014
Crime Control in America: What Works?   "978-0-205-59339-22008
Criminal Evidence: An Introduction   "978-0-19-063928-02017
Criminal Evidence: An Introduction   "978-0-19-978324-32012Professor and Department Head of Criminology Craig Hemmens · Lisa S Nored
Criminal Evidence: An Introduction   "978-0-19-533041-02010Craig Hemmens
Criminal Evidence: An Introduction   "978-1-931719-29-22004   "
Criminal Justice Case Briefs: Significant Cases in Criminal Procedure   "978-1-931719-23-02004Craig Hemmens · Alan Thompson
Criminal Justice CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card for Siegel/Worrall’s Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13thPrinted Access Code978-1-111-73797-92011Larry J. Siegel
Criminal LawPaperback978-0-13-314557-12014Jennifer L. Moore
Criminal LawHardcover978-0-13-138317-32012   "
Criminal Law and Procedure   "978-0-13-237577-12013   "
Criminal Law (Justice Series)Paperback978-0-13-455909-42017   "
Criminal Law Plus MyCrimeKit -- Access Card PackageHardcover978-0-13-301309-22012   "
Criminal Law Plus NEW MyCJLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card PackagePaperback978-0-13-376883-12014Jennifer L Moore
Criminal Procedure   "978-0-13-358759-32015
Criminal Procedure   "978-0-13-281781-32012
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal   "978-0-13-349495-22014
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to AppealHardcover978-0-13-270586-82011
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal   "978-0-13-504319-62009
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal   "978-0-205-49310-42006
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal   "978-0-205-34280-82003
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal Plus MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card PackagePaperback978-0-13-384923-32014
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal, Student Value EditionLoose Leaf978-0-13-387814-12014
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal, Student Value Edition Plus MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package   "978-0-13-389401-12014
Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to Appeal with MyCJLab -- Access Card ValuePackPaperback978-0-13-380287-02014
Criminal Procedure (Justice Series)   "978-0-13-454865-42017
Criminal Procedure + Mycrimekit   "978-0-13-301308-52012
Criminal Procedure Plus MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package   "978-0-13-418813-32015
Criminal Procedure, Student Value EditionLoose Leaf978-0-13-410579-62015
Criminal Procedure , Student Value Edition Plus Revel -- Access Card PackageMisc. Supplies978-0-13-472179-82017
Criminal Procedure, Student Value Edition with MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package   "978-0-13-420661-52015
eCompanion for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal JusticePaperback978-1-111-35177-92011Larry J. Siegel
Essentials of Criminal Justice   "978-1-337-55777-12018   "
Essentials of Criminal Justice   "978-1-305-63376-62016   "
Essentials of Criminal Justice   "978-1-285-44152-82014   "
Essentials of Criminal JusticeLoose Leaf978-1-305-26334-52014   "
Essentials of Criminal JusticePaperback978-1-111-83556-92012   "
Essentials of Criminal Justice, Loose-leaf VersionLoose Leaf978-1-305-66404-32016   "
Essentials of Criminal Justice- State College of FLPaperback978-1-305-02817-32014   "
Interactive eBook, 1 term Printed Access Card for Siegel/Worrall's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 14thPrinted Access Code978-1-285-07392-72013   "
Introduction to Criminal JusticeHardcover978-1-305-96976-62017   "
Introduction to Criminal Justice   "978-1-305-26104-42015   "
Introduction to Criminal JusticeLoose Leaf978-1-305-63335-32015   "
Introduction to Criminal JusticeHardcover978-1-285-06901-22013   "
Introduction to Criminal JusticePaperback978-1-111-77328-12012   "
Introduction to Criminal JusticeHardcover978-0-495-91338-22011   "
Introduction to Criminal Justice, Loose-Leaf VersionLoose Leaf978-1-305-96994-02017   "
LMS Integrated MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card for Siegel/Worrall's Essentials of Criminal Justice, 10thPrinted Access Code978-1-305-64030-62016   "
LMS Integrated MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card for Siegel/Worrall's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 16th   "978-1-305-96992-62017   "
MindTap Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access Card for Siegel/Worrall's Introduction to Criminal Justice   "978-1-305-96990-22017   "
MindTap? Criminal Justice Printed Access Card for Siegel/Worrall's Essentials of Criminal Justice, 9thPaperback978-1-285-76552-52014   "
MindTapV2.0 for Siegel/Worrall's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 1 term Printed Access CardPrinted Access Code978-0-357-03286-22019   "
MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- Criminal Procedure: From First Contact to AppealMisc. Supplies978-0-13-349536-22014
MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Criminal Procedure   "978-0-13-389540-72015
MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Policing   "978-0-13-389553-72015
NEW MyCJLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for PolicingPrinted Access Code978-0-13-295500-32012Frank J. Schmalleger
Police AdministrationHardcover978-1-4390-5639-42011Larry K. Gaines
Police Administration with Access Code   "978-1-133-06978-22011Larry K Gaines
PolicingPaperback978-0-13-358758-62015Frank Schmalleger
Policing   "978-0-13-261019-32012Frank J. Schmalleger
Policing (Justice Series)   "978-0-13-444192-42017Frank Schmalleger
Policing Plus MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Code Card   "978-0-13-419234-52015   "
Policing PLUS NEW MyCJLab Access Card   "978-0-13-301021-32012
Policing Plus NEW MyCJLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package   "978-0-13-302831-72012Frank J. Schmalleger
Policing , Student Value EditionLoose Leaf978-0-13-445360-62017Frank Schmalleger
Policing , Student Value Edition   "978-0-13-410542-02015   "
Policing , Student Value Edition Plus Revel -- Access Card PackageMisc. Supplies978-0-13-452717-82017   "
Policing , Student Value Edition with MyLab Criminal Justice with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package   "978-0-13-421899-12015   "
Policing TodayPaperback978-0-13-507804-42009Frank J. Schmalleger
Policing Today   "978-0-205-51551-62009Frank Schmalleger
Revel for Courts and Criminal Justice in America -- Access CardMisc. Supplies978-0-13-452676-82017Larry J Siegel · Frank Schmalleger
Revel for Criminal Procedure (Justice Series) -- Access Card   "978-0-13-457430-12017
Revel for Policing -- Access Card   "978-0-13-445356-92017Frank Schmalleger
Significant Cases in Criminal ProcedurePaperback978-0-19-533037-32004Alan Thompson · Craig Hemmens
Study Guide for Siegel's Essentials of Criminal Justice, 8thTaschenbuch978-1-111-84183-62012Larry J. Siegel
Study Guide for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 14thPaperback978-1-285-07375-02013   "
Study Guide for Siegel/Worrall's Essentials of Criminal Justice, 9th   "978-1-285-46056-72014   "
The Changing Role of the American ProsecutorHardcover978-0-7914-7591-12008M. Elaine Nugent-Borakove
The Changing Role of the American ProsecutorPaperback978-0-7914-7592-82008   "
WebTutor on Blackboard with eBook on Gateway Instant Access Code for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal JusticeCD-ROM978-1-285-07379-82013Larry J. Siegel
WebTutorTM on Blackboard with eBook on Gateway, 1 term Printed Access Card for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 13thPrinted Access Code978-0-8400-5673-32011   "
WebTutorTM on Blackboard with eBook on Gateway Printed Access Card for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 14th   "978-1-285-07387-32013   "
WebTutorTM on WebCTTM with eBook on Gateway Instant Access Code for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal JusticeCD-ROM978-1-285-07369-92013   "
WebTutorTM on WebCTTM with eBook on Gateway Printed Access Card for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice, 14thPrinted Access Code978-1-285-07386-62013   "
WebTutorTM on WebCTTM with eBook on Gateway Printed Access Card for Siegel's Introduction to Criminal Justice   "978-0-8400-5675-72011   "
WebTutorTM ToolBox for Blackboard Printed Access Card for Gaines/Worrall's Police Administration   "978-1-4390-5637-02011Larry K. Gaines

J. L. · J. W. · J. Worrall · John L. · john l worrall larry j. siegal · John W. · John Worrall · L. W.

Allyn and Bacon · Cengage Learning · Lfb Scholarly Pub Llc · Oxford University Press · Prentice Hall · Roxbury Pub Co · SUNY Press · Wadsworth; Brooks/Cole


john l worrall larry j. siegal