Joe Burns

J.B. · J. Burns · Joe Burns Ph.D.

Ig Publishing · Que Pub

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Beyond HTML Goodies978-0-7897-2780-02002INT Media Group
HTML Goodies978-0-7897-2611-72001
HTML Goodies978-0-7897-1823-51998
JavaScript Goodies978-0-7897-2612-42001Andree Growney
JavaScript Goodies978-0-7897-2024-51999
Reviving the Strike: How Working People Can Regain Power and Transform America978-1-935439-24-02011
Strike Back: Rediscovering Militant Tactics to Fight the Attacks on Public Employee Unions978-1-63246-089-92019
Web Site Design Corporation


Joe Burns Ph.D.