Jane Mason

titlemedia type ISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
All You Knead is Bread - Over 50 recipes from around the world to bake & shareHardcover 978-1-84975-257-22012
Apple-Y Ever AfterPaperback 978-0-439-69814-62005Sarah Hines-Stephens
Beauty Is A Beast   " 978-0-439-56554-72005
If the Shoe FitsHardcover 978-0-439-95908-72005
If the Shoe FitsPaperback 978-0-439-54532-72004Sarah Hines Stephens
Inkheart Movie Novelization   " 978-0-545-09229-62008
Legend of Sleepy Hollow   " 978-0-439-22510-62002
Let Down Your HairHardcover 978-0-439-95910-02005
Obi-Wan's FoePaperback 978-0-375-82609-22005Sarah Stephens
Obi-Wan's FoeLibrary Binding 978-0-375-92609-92005   "
Princess SchoolPaperback 978-0-439-62939-32004Sarah Hines Stephens
Professional Associations in Ireland: A Comparative Study with the UK   " 978-0-9545487-1-12004Andrew S. Friedman
Spring Break-Up   " 978-0-439-84872-52006
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones Movie Storybook   " 978-0-375-81534-82002Sarah Hines-Stephens · Sarah Hines Stephens
Teenick: Zoey 101: Chapter Book #1: Girls Got Game   " 978-0-439-79665-12005Sarah Hines Stephens
Teenick: Zoey 101: Chapter Book #2: Dramarama   " 978-0-439-80177-52005Jane B. Mason · Sarah Hines-Stephens · Sarah Hines Stephens
The Best Christmas   " 978-0-439-68371-52005Sarah Hines Stephens
The Book of Buns - Over 50 brilliant bakes from around the worldHardcover 978-1-84975-435-42013
The Flying HorsePaperback 978-0-448-41980-01999
The Princess School: Who's the Fairest?   " 978-0-439-56553-02004Sarah Hines Stephens
The Professionalisation of UK Professional Associations: Governance, Management and Member Relations   " 978-0-9545487-0-42004Andrew S. Friedman
Wake Up Beauty   " 978-0-439-95911-72005
Who's the Fairest   " 978-0-439-95909-42005Sarah Hines Stephens
Zoey 101: A Quinn In Need   " 978-0-439-88257-62007   "
Zoey 101, Bd. 1: GirlpowerBroschiert
978-3-8332-1492-92006Hines Sara Stephens
Zoey 101, Bd. 2: So ein Theater!   "
978-3-8332-1493-62006   "
Zoey 101, Bd. 3: Jungs gegen Mädchen   "
978-3-8332-1552-02007Hines Stephens
Zoey 101, Bd. 4: Die Beachparty   "
978-3-8332-1601-52007Sara Hines Stephens
Zoey 101, Bd. 5: Top secret   "
978-3-8332-1625-12007   "
Zoey 101, Bd. 6: Die Liebes-SMS   "
978-3-8332-1701-22008Hines Sara Stephens
Zoey 101, Bd. 7Tapa blanda
978-3-8332-1801-9   "
Zoey 101: Chapter Book #8: Girls Vs. BoysPaperback 978-0-439-88258-32007Sarah Hines Stephens

J.M. · J. Mason · Jane B. Mason · Jane B. Mason and Sarah Hines Stephens · Jane Bo Mason · Jane E. Mason

Grosset & Dunlap · PARN (Professional Associations Research Network) · Panini Verlags GmbH · Random House · Ryland Peters & Small · Scholastic


Jane Masséglia