James S. Monroe

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Bundle: Essentials of Physical Geology, 5th + Exploring the Dynamic Earth: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences978-1-111-11437-42008Reed Wicander
Bundle: Essentials of Physical Geology, 5th + Exploring Tropical Cyclones: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences978-1-111-11438-12008   "
Bundle: Essentials of Physical Geology, 5th + Exploring Water Resources: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences978-1-111-11439-82008   "
Bundle: Geology: Earth in Perspective, 3rd + MindTap, 1 term Printed Access Card978-0-357-06808-32019   "
Bundle: Historical Geology, 6th + Global Geoscience Watch Printed Access Card978-1-111-68868-42010   "
Bundle: Historical Geology, 6th + Global Geoscience Watch Printed Access Card + Virtual Field Trips in Geology, Volume 1: Sedimentary Rocks, Geologic Time, Desert Printed Access Card978-1-111-99854-72010   "
Bundle: Historical Geology, 6th + Premium Resource Center - Geology Printed Access Card978-0-538-77389-82009   "
Bundle: Historical Geology, 6th + Virtual Field Trips in Geology - Complete Set of 5 Printed Access Card978-0-538-76022-52010   "
Bundle: Historical Geology, 8th + LMS Integrated for MindTap Earth Science, 1 term Printed Access Card978-1-305-77985-32015   "
Bundle: Historical Geology, Loose-leaf Version, 8th + MindTap Earth Science, 1 term Printed Access Card978-1-305-61663-92015   "
Bundle: Historical Geology, Loose-Leaf Version, 8th + Virtual Field Trips in Geology , 1 term Printed Access Card + ... for Wicander/Monroe's Historical Geology, 8th978-0-357-01868-22015   "
Bundle: MindTap Earth Sciences, 1 term Printed Access Card for Wicander/Monroe's Historical Geology, 8th + Virtual Field Trips in Geology ... of 15), 1 term Printed Access Card978-0-357-01867-52015   "
Bundle: Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth , 6th + Virtual Field Trips in Geology, Volume 1: Sedimentary Rocks, Geologic Time, Desert Printed Access Card978-1-111-64941-82010Reed Wicander · Richard Hazlett
Bundle: The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 6th + Earth Science CourseMate with eBook Access Code978-1-111-97913-32011Reed Wicander
Cengage Advantage Books: Historical Geology978-1-111-99057-22012   "
Cengage Advantage: The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution978-1-305-25860-02014   "
Earth Science978-0-314-20111-91997Steven I. Dutch · Joseph M. Moran
eBook with Virtual Field Trips in Geology, Volume 1: Desert Environments, Geologic Time, Hydrothermal Activity, Running Water, Sedimentary RocksInstant Access Code for Monroe/Wincander's GEOL978-1-111-94285-42010Reed Wicander
eCompanion for Monroe/Wicander's The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 6th978-0-8400-6904-72011   "
Essentials of Geology978-0-495-01365-52005   "
Essentials of Geology978-0-314-04562-11995   "
Essentials of Physical Geology978-0-538-79790-02008   "
Evolution of the Earth Through Time978-0-314-46336-41989   "
GEOL978-1-133-10869-62012   "
GEOL978-0-538-49453-32010   "
Geología. Dinámica y evolución de la tierra978-84-9732-459-52008REED WICANDER · MANUEL POZO RODRÍGUEZ
Geology: Earth in Perspective978-0-357-11733-02019Reed Wicander
Great Ideas for Teaching Geology978-0-314-00394-2
Historical Geology978-1-305-11956-72015Reed Wicander
Historical Geology978-1-111-98729-92012   "
Historical Geology978-0-495-56007-42009   "
Historical Geology978-0-495-01204-72006   "
Historical Geology: Evolution of Earth and Life Through Time978-0-534-39287-12003   "
Historical Geology: Evolution of the Earth and Life Through Time978-0-314-04168-51994   "
Historical Geology: Evolution of the Earth and Life Through Time978-0-314-01240-11993   "
Historical Geology, Loose-Leaf Version978-1-305-25580-72015   "
MindTap for Wicander/Monroe's Geology: Earth in Perspective, 1 term Printed Access Card978-0-357-11742-22019   "
Physical Geology978-0-314-00559-51992
Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth, 6th Edition978-0-495-01148-42006Reed Wicander · Richard W. Hazlett
Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth978-0-534-39987-02004Reed Wicander
Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth978-0-534-53775-31997   "
Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth978-0-314-04273-61995   "
Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth978-0-314-05444-91995   "
Premium Plus WebTutorTM on WebCTTM with eBook, 1 term Printed Access Card for Monroe/Wincander's GEOL978-1-111-94282-32010   "
Print Option: GEOL , 2nd + Global Geoscience Watch Printed Access Card978-1-133-26118-62012   "
Study Guide for Monroe/Wicander/Hazlett's Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth, 6th978-0-495-01150-72006Reed Wicander · Richard Hazlett
Supplement to earth, wind and fire: University of Texas/Austin978-0-314-11805-91994
The Changing Earth, 4th Edition978-0-495-06720-72006Reed Wicander
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 6th Edition978-0-8400-6208-62011   "
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution, 7th Edition978-1-285-73341-82014   "
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution978-0-495-55480-62008   "
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution978-0-495-01020-32005   "
The Changing Earth: Exploring Geology and Evolution978-0-314-02833-41994   "
The Changing Earth : Exploring Geology and Evolutions978-0-314-09577-01997   "

J.M. · J. Monroe · J. S. · James M. · James Monroe · James S. · James S. Monroe and Reed Wicander · S M

Cengage Learning · Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A · Wadsworth; Brooks/Cole · West Group


James S. Monroe and Reed Wicander