title | media type | | ISBN-13 | year of publica- tion | other author(s) |
100 Jahre Psychotherapie: Und der Welt gehts immer schlechter | Taschenbuch | | 978-3-922708-44-5 | 1999 | Michael Ventura |
A Blue Fire | Paperback | | 978-0-06-092101-9 | 1997 |
A blue fire: Selected writings | Hardcover | | 978-0-06-016132-3 | 1989 |
Alchemical Psychology: Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman, Vol. 5 | " | | 978-0-88214-583-9 | 2009 |
Anima: An Anatomy of a Personified Notion. with 439 Excerpts from the Writings of C.G. Jung. | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-316-3 | 1985 |
Anima. Anatomia di una nozione personificata | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-1717-2 | 2002 |
Animali del sogno | " | | 978-88-7078-685-9 | 2001 |
Animal Presences: Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman, Vol. 9 | Hardcover | | 978-0-88214-588-4 | 2008 |
Archetypal Psychology: A Brief Account | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-373-6 | 2004 |
Archetypal Psychology: A Brief Account | Hardcover | | 978-0-88214-576-1 | 2004 |
Archetypal Psychology: A Brief Account | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-321-7 | 1983 |
Archetypal Psychology: Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman, Vol. 1 | Hardcover | | 978-0-88214-998-1 | 2013 |
Archetypal Psychology: Uniform Edition Vol. 1 | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-579-2 | 2004 |
A Terrible Love of War | " | | 978-0-14-303492-6 | 2005 |
A Terrible Love of War | Hardcover | | 978-1-59420-011-3 | 2004 |
Charakter und Bestimmung | Taschenbuch | | 978-3-442-15162-2 | 2002 |
Charakter und Bestimmung | Gebunden | | 978-3-442-33615-9 | 2001 |
City And Soul: Uniform | Hardcover | | 978-0-88214-577-8 | 2006 |
Die erschreckende Liebe zum Krieg | Gebunden | | 978-3-466-34484-0 | 2005 |
Die Heilung erfinden: Eine psychotherapeutische Poetik | Sondereinband | | 978-3-7270-1218-1 | 1986 |
Die Suche nach Innen: Die Begegnung mit sich selbst: Psychologie und Religion | Taschenbuch | | 978-3-85630-759-2 | 2015 |
Die Suche nach Innen: Die Begegnung mit sich selbst: Psychologie und Religion | " | | 978-3-85630-008-1 | 1994 |
Dream Animals | Gebunden | | 978-3-530-40064-9 | 1999 | Margot McLean · Margot MacLean |
Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind | Paperback | | 978-0-87156-406-1 | 1995 | Theodore Roszak · Mary E. Gomes · Allen D. Kanner · Lester R. Brown |
El Codigo Del Alma | Tapa dura | | 978-84-270-2404-5 | 1999 |
El mito del análisis: Tres ensayos de psicología arquetípica | Tapa blanda | | 978-84-7844-534-9 | 2000 |
El pensamiento del corazón | " | | 978-84-7844-477-9 | 2008 |
El sueño y el inframundo | " | | 978-84-493-1568-8 | 2004 |
Emotion | Paperback | | 978-1-138-88247-8 | 2014 |
Emotion: A Comprehensive Phenomenology of Theories and Their Meanings for Therapy | " | | 978-0-8101-1020-5 | 1992 |
Ermenegildo Zegna: An Enduring Passion for Fabrics, Innovation, Quality, and Style | Copertina rigida | | 978-88-572-0807-7 | 2010 | Mariano Maugeri · D. T. Max · Suzy Menkes · Maria Luisa Frisa |
Figure del mito | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-2930-4 | 2014 |
From Types to Images: Uniform Edition Vol. 4 | Hardcover | | 978-0-88214-582-2 | 2018 |
Fuerza del caracter y la larga vida, la | Tapa blanda | | 978-84-8306-291-3 | 2016 |
Going Bugs | Audio Cassette | | 978-1-879816-00-8 | 1998 |
Healing Fiction | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-363-7 | 1998 |
Hundert Jahre Psychotherapie | Broschiert | | 978-3-530-70005-3 | 1999 | Michael Ventura |
Il codice dell'anima. Carattere, vocazione, destino | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-2363-0 | 2009 |
Il lamento dei morti. La psicologia dopo «Il libro rosso» di Jung | Copertina rigida | | 978-88-339-2554-7 | 2014 | Sonu Shamdasani |
Il mito dell'analisi | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-2704-1 | 2012 |
Il piacere di pensare. Conversazione con Silvia Ronchey | " | | 978-88-17-00336-0 | 2004 | Silvia Ronchey |
Il potere. Come usarlo con intelligenza | " | | 978-88-17-10799-0 | 2003 |
Il sogno e il mondo infero | " | | 978-88-459-1818-6 | 2003 |
Il suicidio e l'anima | " | | 978-88-459-2460-6 | 2010 |
Inscapes of the Child's World: Jungian Counseling in Schools and Clinics | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-338-5 | 2008 | John Allan |
Insearch: Psychology and Religion | " | | 978-0-88214-512-9 | 1998 |
Inter Views: Conversations With Laura Pozzo on Psychotherapy, Biography, Love, Soul, Dreams, Work, Imagination, and the State of the Culture | " | | 978-0-88214-348-4 | 1998 |
Inter Views: Conversations With Laura Pozzo on Psychotherapy, Biography, Love, Soul, Dreams, Work, Imagination and the State of the Culture | Hardcover | | 978-0-06-015099-0 | 1983 |
Kinds of Power: A Guide to its Intelligent Uses | Paperback | | 978-0-385-48967-6 | 1997 |
Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man | " | | 978-0-87773-043-9 | 1971 | Frederic Spiegelberg · Gopi Krishna |
La fiction qui soigne | Broché | | 978-2-228-90009-6 | 2005 |
La force du caractère: A quoi sert la vieillesse ? | Paperback | | 978-2-221-09245-3 | 2001 | Claude Farny |
La force du caractère: Quand la vieillesse révèle notre vraie nature | Poche | | 978-2-290-32652-7 | 2003 |
La forza del carattere. La vita che dura | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-2138-4 | 2007 |
La Giustizia di Afrodite | " | | 978-88-6091-097-4 | 2008 |
Lament of the Dead: Psychology After Jung's Red Book | Hardcover | | 978-0-393-08894-6 | 2013 | Sonu Shamdasani |
L'anima del mondo e il pensiero del cuore | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-1710-3 | 2002 |
La ricerca interiore. Psicologia e religione | " | | 978-88-7186-468-6 | 2010 |
La Trahison: Et autres essais | Poche | | 978-2-7436-1875-9 | 2008 | Elise Argaud |
La Trahison et Autres Essais | Broché | | 978-2-228-89807-2 | 2004 |
Lautréamont | Paperback | | 978-0-911005-09-7 | 2012 | Gaston Bachelard · Robert S. Dupree |
La vana fuga degli dei | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-0811-8 | 1991 |
Le code caché de votre destin | Poche | | 978-2-290-02339-6 | 2010 |
Le Code caché de votre destin: Prendre en main son existence | Broché | | 978-2-290-32002-0 | 2002 |
Le code caché de votre destin: Prendre en main son existence en élevant sa conscience de soi | Paperback | | 978-2-221-08893-7 | 1999 |
Lectures on Jung's Typology | " | | 978-0-88214-104-6 | 1998 | Marie-Louise von Franz |
Le Mythe de la psychanalyse | Poche | | 978-2-7436-1592-5 | 2006 |
Le storie che curano. Freud, Jung, Adler | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-7078-030-7 | 1996 |
Men and the Wild Child | Audio Cassette | | 978-1-56455-151-1 | | Robert Bly |
Mythical Figures: Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman, Vol. 6 | Hardcover | | 978-0-88214-584-6 | 2007 |
Myth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology | Paperback | | 978-0-06-131974-7 | 1983 |
Myths of the Family | Audio Cassette | | 978-1-879323-55-1 | 1997 |
Oedipus Variations | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-219-7 | 1990 | Karl Kerenyi |
Pan and the Nightmare | " | | 978-0-88214-225-8 | 2007 |
Pan et le cauchemar: Guérir notre folie | Broché | | 978-2-84952-033-8 | 2006 |
Pan und die natürliche Angst - Über die Notwendigkeit der Alpträume für die Seele | Taschenbuch | | 978-3-7270-1209-9 | 1995 |
Pan y la pesadilla | Tapa blanda | | 978-84-935313-6-2 | 2007 |
Part 1 | Hörkassette | | 978-1-879816-01-5 | 1991 |
Presenze animali | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-3082-9 | 2016 |
Psicologia alchemica | " | | 978-88-459-2799-7 | 2013 |
Puer aeternus | " | | 978-88-459-1445-4 | 1999 |
Puer Papers | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-310-1 | 1998 | Henry A. Murray · Tom Moore · James Baird · Thomas Cowan · Randolph Severson |
Re-imaginar la psicología | Tapa blanda | | 978-84-7844-423-6 | 2009 |
Re-visione della psicologia | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-0959-7 | 1992 |
RE-Visioning Psychology | Paperback | | 978-0-06-090563-7 | 1992 |
Re-visioning psychology | Hardcover | | 978-0-06-063931-0 | 1975 |
Saggio su Pan | Copertina flessibile | | 978-88-459-0336-6 | 1977 |
Selbstmord und seelische Wandlung: Eine Auseinandersetzung | Taschenbuch | | 978-3-85630-596-3 | 2000 |
Senex and Puer: Uniform Edition of the Writings of James Hillman, Vol. 3 | Hardcover | | 978-0-88214-581-5 | 2005 |
Singiel KOD DUSZY | " | | 978-83-7746-800-5 | 2014 |
Spring 58: A Journal of Archetype and Culture | Paperback | | 978-1-882670-06-2 | 1995 | David L. Hart · Paul Kugler · Connie Zweig |
Suicide and the Soul | " | | 978-0-88214-227-2 | 1998 |
Suicide and the Soul | " | | 978-0-88214-208-1 | 1985 |
Suicide and the Soul | " | | 978-0-06-090329-9 | 1973 |
Terrible Love of War 12-copy prepack | " | | 978-0-14-750153-0 | 2005 |
The City As Dwelling: Walking, Sitting, Shaping | " | | 978-0-911005-32-5 | 1995 | H. Whyte · Arthur Erikson |
The City As Dwelling: Walking, Sitting, Shaping | " | | 978-0-317-04712-7 | 1983 | William H. Whyte · Arthur Erickson |
The Dream and the Underworld | " | | 978-0-06-011902-7 | 1979 |
The Dream and the Underworld | " | | 978-0-06-090682-5 | 1979 |
The Emptied Soul: The Psychopath in Everyone's Life | Audio Cassette | | 978-1-879816-16-9 | 1995 | Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig |
The Force of Character: And the Lasting Life | Paperback | | 978-0-345-42405-1 | 2000 |
The Force of Character: And the Lasting Life | Audio Cassette | | 978-0-375-40691-1 | 1999 |
The Force of Character: And the Lasting Life | Hardcover | | 978-0-375-50120-3 | 1999 |
The Myth of Analysis | Paperback | | 978-0-06-092293-1 | 1992 |
The Myth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology | " | | 978-0-8101-1651-1 | 1998 |
The myth of analysis: Three essays in archetypal psychology | " | | 978-0-06-090600-9 | 1978 |
The Myth of Analysis: Three Essays in Archetypal Psychology | Hardcover | | 978-0-8101-0364-1 | 1972 |
The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: A Poetry Anthology | Paperback | | 978-0-06-092420-1 | 1993 | Robert Bly · Michael Meade |
The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: Poems for Men | Hardcover | | 978-0-06-016744-8 | 1992 | Robert W. Bly · Michael Meade |
The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling | Paperback | | 978-0-446-67371-6 | 1997 |
The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling | " | | 978-0-553-50634-1 | 1997 |
The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling | " | | 978-0-09-183437-1 | 1996 |
The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling | Hardcover | | 978-0-679-44522-7 | 1996 |
The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling | Audio Cassette | | 978-0-679-45301-7 | 1996 |
The Thought of the Heart, and, The Soul of the World | Paperback | | 978-0-88214-353-8 | 1998 |
Tipos de Poder: Guia Para Pensar Por Uno Mismo | " | | 978-950-641-300-2 | 2000 |
Un Terrible Amor Por La Guerra | Tapa blanda | | 978-84-96867-62-8 | 2010 |
Vom Sinn des langen Lebens: Wir werden, was wir sind | Taschenbuch | | 978-3-423-34101-1 | 2004 |
Vom Sinn des langen Lebens. Wir werden, was wir sind | Gebunden | | 978-3-466-34430-7 | 2001 |
We've Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy--And the World's Getting Worse | Paperback | | 978-0-06-250661-0 | 1993 | Michael Ventura |
We'Ve Had a Hundred Years of Psychotherapy and the World's Getting Worse | " | | 978-0-06-250409-8 | 1992 | " |