James Duigan

Duigan James · J.D. · James D. · James Duigan with Maria Lally and foreword by Elle Macpherson

Kyle Books · Mondadori Electa

titleISBN-13year of publica-
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Clean & Lean Diet Cookbook: With a 14-day Menu Plan978-0-85783-007-42012
Clean & Lean Diet Flat Tummy Fast978-1-906868-68-02014DUIGAN JAMES
Clean & Lean Diet: The Bestselling Book on Achieving Your Perfect Body978-0-85783-170-52013
Clean & Lean Flat Tummy Fast!: The healthy way to a totally toned tummy in 14 days978-1-85626-987-22011
Clean & Lean Pregnancy Guide: The healthy way to exercise and eat before, during and after pregnancy. Foreword by Lara Stone978-0-85783-105-72014
Clean & Lean Warrior: Your blueprint for a strong, lean body978-0-85783-086-92013
Clean and Lean Diet978-1-85626-932-22010
Clean and Lean Diet: The Cookbook: Clean & Lean Diet978-1-909487-02-42013
Clean and Lean Diet: The Cookbook: Clean & Lean Diet Cookbook978-1-909487-05-52014
Il metodo Duigan. Come avere un corpo perfetto con la dieta clean & lean978-88-370-9574-12013Maria Lally


James Duigan with Maria Lally and foreword by Elle Macpherson