J. Lawrynowicz

J. L. · Janusz Ławrynowicz · Julian Lawrynowicz · Witold J. Lawrynowicz

Titel ISBN-13Erschei-
andere Autoren
Analytic Functions, Blazejewko 1982
978-0-387-12712-51984J. Lodz
Analytic Functions Blazejewko 1982: Proceedings of a Conference held in Blazejewko, Poland, August 19-27, 1982 978-3-540-12712-32008
Analytic Functions. Kozubnik 1979: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Kozubnik, Poland, April 19-25, 1979 978-3-540-09985-71980
Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane: Parametrical Methods 978-3-540-11989-01983J. Krzyz
Seminar on Deformations: Proceedings Held Lodz, Warsaw, 1982/84

J. Lawson