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titleISBN-13year of publication
American Government Roots and Reform, AP Edition978-0-13-258244-52011
Audio Program Sampler Grade 6-8978-0-13-165181-42007
California Algebra 1: Standards Activities; Teacher's Guide978-0-13-368601-22009
California Algebra 1: Standards Activities; Teaching Transparencies978-0-13-368605-02009
Campbell Biology AP Ninth Edition978-0-13-137504-82011
Campbell Biology - Concepts & Connections978-0-13-249253-92012
Chapter 8, Grab & Go File, Geometry and Measurement, Course 2, Prentice Hall978-0-13-037717-32004
Chapter 9, Grab & Go File, Patterns and Rules, Course 2978-0-13-037718-02004
Chapter 10 Grab & Go File, Area, Geometry isbn 013165828X978-0-13-165828-82012
Chapter 10, Grab & Go File, Graphing in the Coordinate Plane, Course 2, Prentice Hall978-0-13-037719-72004
Chemistry: The Central Science, AP Edition978-0-13-217508-12012
Civics, Government and Economics in Action.978-0-13-181844-62005
Classroom Strategies and Teaching Routines978-0-13-367423-12010
CourseCompass Student Access Kit, Personal Edition978-0-205-39147-92002
Daily Bellringer Activities Grade 7978-0-13-367416-32010
Daily Bellringer Activities Grade 8978-0-13-367417-02010
Directory of Vocational And Further Education, 2006-2007978-0-13-204630-52006
Education Yearbook, 2006-2007978-0-13-204631-22006
Electrical Level 3 Annotated Instructor's Guide, 2011 Revision, Paperback NCCER978-0-13-257121-02011
Government in America: People, Politics, and Policy , 15th Edition.978-0-13-256693-32011
Grade 6-8 Science and Technology: 7 Year Online Student Access978-0-13-370504-12009
Grade 6-8 Science and Technology: Teacher's Edition and Resource Package978-0-13-251884-02009
Housing & Planning Yearbook 2006: Uk Edition978-0-13-201828-92005
Introduction to Communication Student Access Code978-0-205-08420-32011
Learning Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Solutions Binder978-0-13-365701-22008
Learning Microsoft Office Word 2007 Solutions Binder978-0-13-365695-42008
Literature: Common Core Grade 8978-0-13-319554-52012
Literature: Language and Literacy978-0-13-366648-92010
Literature Timeless Voices, Timelss Themes - Silver Level - Fine Art Transparencies978-0-13-058344-42002
Literature Timeless Voices, Timelss Themes - Silver Level - Literacy Analysis and Reading Transparencies978-0-13-062386-72002
Longman Business English Dictionary978-1-4058-5259-32007
Longman Diccionario Conciso978-1-4058-3149-92008
Longman Essential Acitivator 2nd Edition Cased and CD ROM978-1-4058-1569-72006
Longman Exams Dictionary: Update978-1-4058-5137-42007
Longman Pocket English Dictionary978-0-582-77640-12002
Miller & Levine Biology: Lab Manual B,Teacher's Edition978-0-13-368717-02010
Miller & Levine Biology: Laboratory Manual A, Teacher's Edition978-0-13-368716-32010
Multiplying Decimals978-0-328-28120-62009
Mylab Human Development With Pearson Etext Access Card978-0-205-20652-02011
Mylab Search With Pearson Etext Access Card978-0-205-23992-42011
MyPsychLab Pegasus with E-Book Student Access Code Card978-0-205-62735-62008
NEW MyNursingLab -- Access Card -- for Pathophysiology978-0-13-305415-62012
Pearson Guide to Research Navigator978-0-205-63340-12008
Pearson's Medical Assisting DVD Videos978-0-13-117907-32005
"Pirates of the Caribbean": Level 2: The Curse of the Black Pearl: Level 2, RLA978-1-4058-8170-82008
Prentice Hall Literarture Reading Kit Sampler978-0-13-200671-22005
Prentice Hall Literature978-0-13-180306-02004
Prentice Hall Literature Common Core Edition, Grade 7, Student Edition978-0-13-319553-82012
Prentice Hall Literature Diagnostic and Benchmark Tests978-0-13-165412-92005
Prentice Hall Literature: Language and Literacy978-0-13-366639-72010
Prentice Hall Literature Standardized Test Preparation Workbook978-0-13-190822-22005
Prentice Hall Literature Student EXPRESS Sampler978-0-13-165184-52005
Prentice Hall Literature Teacher Express Sampler978-0-13-165185-22005
Prentice Hall Literature Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes978-0-13-058355-02002
Prentice Hall Literature Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes978-0-13-062426-02002
Prentice Hall Literature Transparency Sampler978-0-13-250287-02005
Prentice Hall Literature - Transparency Sampler- Grade 6978-0-13-250285-62005
Prentice Hall Mathematics Course 2 Chapter 11 Grab&Go File978-0-13-037720-32004
Prentice Hall Realidades 2978-0-13-036025-02007
Prentice Hall Realidades 2, Teacher's Edition978-0-13-036029-82007
Prentice Hall Realidades 2, Teacher's Edition, Florida Lesson Plans978-0-13-166021-22007
Prentice Hall Realidades Examview Test Bank CD-ROM978-0-13-166046-52006
Prentice Hall Science Explorer; Florida Comprehensive Science; Student Edition on Audio CD978-0-13-250941-1
Prentice Hall Science Explorer; Lab Activity DVD Library978-0-13-190386-9
Prentice Hall Skills Intervention Kit: California Diagnostic Tests for Reading Intervention978-0-13-067831-72002
Prentice Hall Social Studies Test Preparation Workbook Grade 7 Supports Terra Nova Social Studies Test (Two Full-length Practice Tests; Document-based, Multiple-choice Questions; Strategies for Multiple-choice Questions978-0-13-063146-62002
Prentice Hall Student Express Demo978-0-13-166796-92005
Prentice Hall Teacher Express Demo978-0-13-166912-32005
Prentice Hall TeacherEXPRESS High School Demo978-0-13-166914-72005
Prentice Hall World Studies AYP Monitoring Assessments978-0-13-128094-62005
Prentice Hall World Studies: Foundations of Geography- Reading and Vocabulary Study Guide978-0-13-128027-42005
Prentice Hall World Studies Guided Reading Audio CD Sampler978-0-13-129927-62005
Prentice Hall World Studies Latin America All in One Teaching Resources978-0-13-128036-62005
Prentice Hall World Studies Latin America Lesson Planner978-0-13-128369-52005
Prentice Hall World Studies Latin America Reading and Vocabulary Study Guide978-0-13-128022-92005
Prentice Hall World Studies Latin America Spanish Support978-0-13-130811-42005
Prentice Hall World Studies Test Prep Workbook978-0-13-128420-32005
Prentice Hall Writing Coach: Writing and Grammar for the 21st Century; Grade 7978-0-13-253721-62012
Prentice Hall Writing Coach: Writing and Grammar for the 21st Century; Grade 10978-0-13-253724-72012
Primary Education Yearbook, 2006-2007978-0-13-156869-32006
Professional Development Guidebook Grade 8978-0-13-367402-62010
Science Explorer Grade 8 Color Transparencies978-0-13-036667-22003
Scott Foresman Grammar and Writing Practice Book: Grade 1978-0-328-14622-22008
Scott Foresman Grammar and Writing Practice Book: Grade 3978-0-328-14624-62007
Social Services Yearbook 2005978-0-273-69599-82005
Social Services Yearbook, 2006978-0-13-198451-62006
Social Services Yearbook: 2007 Uk Edition978-0-13-233461-72007
Social Services Yearbook 2009978-0-273-72477-32009
Teacher's Edition - World Studies: Latin America978-0-13-204158-42008
Texas Prentice Hall Technology Applications Student Work Text, Grade 7, Revised Edition978-0-13-363954-42008
The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography978-0-13-137502-42011
The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor: Level 2978-1-4058-5542-62008
Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes978-0-13-037249-92002
World Folktales: Level 5978-1-4058-6252-32008
World Studies: Foundations of Geography: All-in-One Teaching Resources978-0-13-128038-02005
World Studies: Guia de estudio de lectura y vocabulario/Literary and Vocabulary Guide978-0-13-128023-62004
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow978-0-13-363646-82007

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