Illinois General Assembly

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titleISBN-13year of publication
General Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by the Eighteenth General Assembly: Convened January 3, 1853978-0-483-13232-02018
Incorporation Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by the Eleventh General Assembly: Their Session Began and Held at Vandalia, the Third Day of ... Hundred and Thirty-Eight978-1-333-53077-82018
Laws of the State of Illinois, 1857, Vol. 2978-1-333-21224-72018
Laws of the State of Illinois Enacted by the Fortieth General Assembly: At the Regular Biennial Session, Begun and Held at the Capitol, in the City of ... Sine Die on the 4th Day of June, A. D.978-0-260-12696-22018
Laws of the State of Illinois: Enacted by the Thirty-Fifth General Assembly, at the Session Which Commenced January 5, 1887 and Adjourned June 15, 1887978-1-333-05426-72018
Laws of the State of Illinois: Enacted by the Thirty-First General Assembly; Convened January 8, 1879; Adjourned Sine Die, May 31, 1879978-1-333-02597-72018
Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed at the First Session of the Sixteenth General Assembly, Begun and Held at the City of Springfield, January 1, 1849978-1-333-63152-92018
Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by the Fifteenth General Assembly at Their Session, Begun and Held in the City of Springfield, December 7, 1846978-1-333-74997-22018
Laws of the State of Illinois: Passed by the Seventeenth General Assembly, at Its Second Session, Commencing June 7, 1852978-1-333-06099-22019
Laws of the State of Illinois: Passed by the Sixteenth General Assembly, at the Second Session, Commencing October 22, 1849978-1-333-05595-02018
Laws of the State of Illinois Passed by the Tenth General Assembly: At Their Session Commencing December 5, 1836, and Ending March 6, 1837978-1-333-65282-12018
Laws of the State of Illinois: Passed by the Thirteenth General Assembly, at Their Regular Session, Began and Held at Springfield, on the Fifth of ... Eight Hundred and Forty-Two978-1-334-85407-12018
Private Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed at the First Session of the Eighteenth General Assembly: Begun and Held at the City of Springfield, January 7, 1853978-0-265-95575-82018
Private Laws of the State of Illinois: Passed at the First Session of the Eighteenth General Assembly, Begun and Held at the City of Springfield, January 7, 1853978-0-266-40134-62018
Private Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed at the First Session of the Seventeenth General Assembly: Begun and Held at the City of Springfield, January 6, 1851978-1-333-06442-62019
Private Laws of the State of Illinois: Passed at the Nineteenth General Assembly, Begun and Held at the City of Springfield, January 1, 1855978-1-333-05923-12019
Private Laws of the State of Illinois Passed by the Twenty-Fourth General Assembly, Vol. 2: Convened January 2, 1865978-1-333-06129-62018
Public Laws of the State of Illinois, Passed by Twenty-Third General Assembly: Convened January 5, 1863978-1-333-06878-32019

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Illinois. General Assembly. House Of Rep