Harish Trivedi


Oxford University Press · Routledge

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Literature and Nation: Britain and India 1800-1990Paperback978-0-415-21207-62001Richard Allen
Postcolonial Translation: Theory and PracticeHardcover978-0-415-14744-61998Susan Bassnett · Susan Bassnett (S Editor)
Postcolonial Translation: Theory and PracticePaperback978-0-415-14745-31998Susan Bassnett (S Editor) · Susan Bassnett
The Nation Across the World: Postcolonial Literary RepresentationsHardcover978-0-19-569024-82007Meenakshi Mukherjee · C. Vijayasree · Vijay Kumar
Topi Shukla: Translated by Meenakshi Shivram and Introduction by Harish Trivedi   "978-0-19-567089-92005Rahi Masoom Raza


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