Harald Ganzinger

Ganzinger, Harald · H.G. · H. Ganzinger

andere Autoren
Automated Deduction - CADE-16: 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Trento, Italy, July 7-10, 1999, Proceedings978-3-540-66222-82008
ESOP '88: 2nd European Symposium on Programming. Nancy, France, March 21-24, 1988. Proceedings978-3-540-19027-12008
Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning: 6th International Conference, LPAR'99, Tbilisi, Georgia, September 6-10, 1999, Proceedings978-3-540-66492-52008Andrei Voronkov · David McAllester
Programs as Data Objects: Proceedings of a Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 17 - 19, 1985978-3-540-16446-32008Neil D. Jones
Rewriting Techniques and Applications: 7th International Conference, RTA-96, New Brunswick, NJ, USA July 27 - 30, 1996. Proceedings978-3-540-61464-72008

Harald Gapski