Titel | Art | ISBN-13 | Erschei- nungsjahr | andere Autoren |
All About Music: The Complete Ontology: Realities, Semiotics, Communication, and Embodiment | Taschenbuch | 978-3-319-83714-7 | 2018 |
All About Music: The Complete Ontology: Realities, Semiotics, Communication, and Embodiment | Gebunden | 978-3-319-47333-8 | 2016 | Maria Mannone · Yan Pang · Margaret O'Brien · Nathan Torunsky |
Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1: Sets and Numbers, Graphs and Algebra, Logic and Machines, Linear Geometry | Taschenbuch | 978-3-540-20835-8 | 2004 | Gérard Milmeister · Jody Weissmann |
Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 1: Sets and Numbers, Graphs and Algebra, Logic and Machines, Linear Geometry: v. 1 | " | 978-3-540-36873-1 | 2006 | Gérard Milmeister · Jody Weissmann |
Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2: Calculus and ODEs, Splines, Probability, Fourier and Wavelet Theory, Fractals and Neural Networks, Categories and Lambda Calculus | " | 978-3-540-20861-7 | 2004 |
Computational Counterpoint Worlds: Mathematical Theory, Software, and Experiments | Gebunden | 978-3-319-11235-0 | 2015 | Octavio Alberto Agustín-Aquino · Julien Junod |
Computational Musicology in Hindustani Music | " | 978-3-319-11471-2 | 2014 | Soubhik Chakraborty · Swarima Tewari · Moujhuri Patra |
Cool Math for Hot Music: A First Introduction to Mathematics for Music Theorists | Taschenbuch | 978-3-319-82698-1 | 2018 | Maria Mannone · Yan Pang |
Cool Math for Hot Music: A First Introduction to Mathematics for Music Theorists | Gebunden | 978-3-319-42935-9 | 2016 | Maria Mannone · Yan Pang |
Elemente der Musikinformatik | Taschenbuch | 978-3-7643-7745-8 | 2006 |
Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz: Towards a Theory of Collaboration | " | 978-3-642-43284-2 | 2014 |
Flow, Gesture, and Spaces in Free Jazz: Towards a Theory of Collaboration | Gebunden | 978-3-540-92194-3 | 2009 | Paul B. Cherlin |
Geometrie der Töne: Elemente der Mathematischen Musiktheorie | Taschenbuch | 978-3-0348-7428-1 | 2012 |
Geometrie der Töne: Elemente der Mathematischen Musiktheorie | Gebunden | 978-3-7643-2353-0 | 1990 |
Gruppen und Kategorien in der Musik: Entwurf einer mathematischen Musiktheorie | Taschenbuch | 978-3-88538-210-2 | 1985 |
La vérité du beau dans la musique: Quatre leçons à l'Ecole normale supérieure | Broché | 978-2-7521-0029-0 | 2007 | Yun-Kang Ahn |
Musical Creativity: Strategies and Tools in Composition and Improvisation | Taschenbuch | 978-3-662-50864-0 | 2016 |
Musical Creativity: Strategies and Tools in Composition and Improvisation | Gebunden | 978-3-642-24516-9 | 2011 | Joomi Park · Florian Thalmann |
Musical Performance: A Comprehensive Approach: Theory, Analytical Tools, and Case Studies | " | 978-3-642-11837-1 | 2011 |
Penser la musique avec les mathématiques ?: Actes du séminaire Mathématiques-Musique-Philosophie | Broché | 978-2-7521-0027-6 | 2006 | Gérard Assayag · François Nicolas · Collectif |
Perspectives in Mathematical and Computational Music Theory | Taschenbuch | 978-3-923486-57-1 | 2004 | Thomas Noll · Emilio Lluis-Puebla |
Rasterbild - Bildraster: Anwendung der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung zur Geometrischen Analyse Eines Meisterwerks der Renaissance: Raffaels Schule von ... | " | 978-3-540-17267-3 | 1987 | Detlef Krömker · Georg Rainer Hofmann |
The Future of Music: Towards a Computational Musical Theory of Everything | Gebunden | 978-3-030-39708-1 | 2020 | Jason Noer · Yan Pang · Shuhui Yao · Jay Afrisando · Christopher Rochester · Josh Neace |
The Rubato Composer Music Software: Component-Based Implementation of a Functorial Concept Architecture | Taschenbuch | 978-3-642-10117-5 | 2010 | Gérard Milmeister · Florian Thalmann |
The Topos of Music | Gebunden | 978-3-319-64433-2 | 2018 |
The Topos of Music: Geometric Logic of Concepts, Theory, and Performance | Taschenbuch | 978-3-0348-9454-8 | 2013 |
The Topos of Music: Geometric Logic of Concepts, Theory, and Performance | Gebunden | 978-3-7643-5731-3 | 2002 |
The Topos of Music III: Gestures: Musical Multiverse Ontologies | " | 978-3-319-64479-0 | 2018 | René Guitart · Jocelyn Ho · Alex Lubet · Maria Mannone · Matt Rahaim · Florian Thalmann |
The Topos of Music I: Theory: Geometric Logic, Classification, Harmony, Counterpoint, Motives, Rhythm | " | 978-3-319-64363-2 | 2018 |