Gregory R. Bock

G.B. · Gregory Bock · R. B · R. Bock

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Anaphylaxis978-0-470-86114-12004Jamie A. Goode
Autism: Neural Basis and Treatment Possibilities978-0-470-85099-22003   "
Biology of IGF-1: Its Interaction with Insulin in Health and Malignant States978-0-470-86998-72004   "
Cortical Development: Genes and Genetic Abnormalities978-0-470-06092-62008   "
Decoding the Genomic Control of Immune Reactions978-0-470-02755-42007   "
Defining Optimal Immunotherapies for Type 1 Diabetes978-0-470-72325-82008   "
Dietary Supplements and Health978-0-470-03427-92007   "
Drug Resistance in Epilepsy: Lessons from Oncology978-0-470-84146-42002   "
Empathy and Fairness978-0-470-02626-72006   "
Fatty Acid and Lipotoxicity in Obesity and Diabetes978-0-470-05764-32008   "
Generation and Effector Functions of Regulatory Lymphocytes978-0-470-85074-92003   "
Genetics of Autoimmunity978-0-470-02137-82005   "
Heart Failure: Molecules, Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets978-0-470-01597-12006   "
Immunoinformatics: Bioinformatic Strategies for Better Understanding of Immune Function978-0-470-85356-62003   "
'In Silico' Simulation of Biological Processes978-0-470-84480-92003   "
Molecular Mechanisms Influencing Aggressive Behaviours978-0-470-01068-62005   "
New Treatment Strategies for Dengue and Other Flaviviral Diseases978-0-470-01643-52006   "
Novel and Re-emerging Respiratory Viral Diseases978-0-470-06538-92008   "
Reversible Protein Acetylation978-0-470-86261-22004   "
Signalling Networks in Cell Shape and Motility978-0-470-01190-42005   "
Stem Cells: Nuclear Reprogramming and Therapeutic Applications978-0-470-09143-22005   "
Tissue Engineering of Cartilage and Bone978-0-470-84481-62003   "
Understanding Nicotine and Tobacco Addiction978-0-470-01657-22006   "

Gregory R. Brooks