Gerald Trites

G. T. · Gerald Trites et al

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
eBusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World978-0-13-248203-52012J. Efrim Boritz
E-Business: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World978-0-13-093122-12002David Pugsley
E-Business: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World978-0-13-127179-1
eBusiness: A Canadian Perspective for a Networked World978-0-13-615113-5
Enterprise resource planning: The engine for e-business978-0-88800-620-22000
Interactive Data: Building Xbrl Into Accounting Information Systems978-1-55385-269-82007
The Ship Tossed Upon the Sea and other Stories978-0-9865615-0-42010

BlackAvon Books · Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants · Prentice Hall


Gerald Trites et al