George Eckes

Eckes George · G.E · George E.

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
General Electric's Six Sigma Revolution: How General Electric and Others Turned Process Into Profits978-0-471-38822-72000
Making Six Sigma Last: Managing the Balance Between Cultural and Technical Change978-0-471-41548-02001
Objectif Six Sigma: Révolution dans la qualité978-2-7440-6194-32006
Objectif Six Sigma: Révolution dans la qualité978-2-84211-163-22001
Rewolucja Six Sigma Jak General Electric i inne przedsiebiorstwa zmienily proces w zyski978-83-61732-83-92010
Six Sigma en action978-2-7440-6048-92003
Six Sigma Execution: How the World's Greatest Companies Live and Breathe Six Sigma978-0-07-145364-62005
Six Sigma for Everyone978-0-471-28156-62003
Six sigma jako trwaly element kultury organizacji978-83-7746-065-82011
Six Sigma Team Dynamics: The Elusive Key to Project Success978-0-471-22277-42002Sandra Derickson

MT Biznes · McGraw-Hill · PEARSON (France) · Wiley


George Eckstein