title | | ISBN-13 | year of publica- tion | other author(s) |
Elementa Græce Et Latine Commentariis Instructa, Volume 2 | | 978-1-142-62949-6 | 2010 |
Elementa: Liber X Cum Appendice | | 978-3-598-71309-5 | 1998 | I. L. Heiberg · E. S. Stamatis |
Elementa: Libri V-IX Cum Appendice | | 978-3-322-00221-1 | 1998 | I. L. Heiberg · E. S. Stamatis |
Elementa: Prolegomena Critica, Libri Xiv-Xv, Scholia in Libros I-V: 5 | | 978-3-322-00224-2 | 1998 | I. L. Heiberg · E. S. Stamatis |
Elementa: Scholia in Libros Vi-Xiii Cum Appendicibus | | 978-3-322-00226-6 | 1998 | I. L. Heiberg · E. S. Stamatis |
Elementa Vol III CB | | 978-3-322-00222-8 | 1998 |
Elementos | | 978-84-249-1463-9 | 1991 |
Elements of Geometry: Containing the First Six Books of Euclid, with a Supplement On the Quadrature of the Circle, and the Geometry of Solids; to ... Elements of Plane and Spherical Geometry | | 978-1-146-19112-8 | 2010 | John Playfair |
Euclidis Elementorum Sex Libri Priores: Magnam Partem Novis Demonstrationibus Adornati | | 978-1-142-15162-1 | 2010 |
Euclid's Elements | | 978-1-5498-5545-0 | 2017 |
Euclid's Elements | | 978-1-888009-19-4 | 2002 |
Euclid's Elements of Geometry | | 978-0-615-17984-1 | 2007 |
Euclid: The Thirteen Books of Elements, Vol. 3, Books 10-13 | | 978-0-486-60090-1 | 1956 | Thomas L. Heath |
Euklid's Elemente fünfzehn Bücher aus dem Griechischen übersetzt, Dritte verbesserte Auflage | | 978-1-144-40472-5 | 2010 | Johann Friedrich Lorenz · Karl Brandan Mollweide |
Evclidis Elementorvm Libri Xv.: Accessit Liber Xvi. De Solidorum Regularium Cuiuslibet Intra Quodlibet Comparatione. Omnes Perspicvis ... Post Primam Edit... | | 978-1-143-51436-4 | 2010 | Christoph Clavius |
Robert of Chester's (?) redaction of Euclid's Elements, the so-called Adelard II version | | 978-0-8176-2658-7 | 1992 |
The Bones: Kivar | | 978-1-888009-21-7 | 2002 |
The Commentary of Albertus Magnus on Book 1 of Euclid's Elements of Geometry | | 978-0-391-04191-2 | 2003 | Albertus Magnus |
The Commentary of Al-Nayrizi on Book I of Euclid's Elements of Geometry | | 978-0-391-04192-9 | 2003 | Anaritius · Al-Nayrizi |
The Contents of the Fifth and Sixth Books of Euclid | | 978-1-141-55996-1 | 2010 | Micaiah John Muller Hill |
The Data of Euclid: Translated from the Text of Menge | | 978-0-9635924-1-5 | 1993 |
The Elements of Euclid, Containing the First Six, and the Eleventh and Twelfth Books; Chiefly from the Text of Dr. Simson, with the Planes in the Elev | | 978-1-155-09441-0 | 2012 |
The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid | | 978-1-7212-1042-8 | 2018 | John Casey |
The First Six Books: Together with the Eleventh and Twelfth | | 978-1-144-55585-4 | 2010 |
The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 1: Books 1-2 | | 978-0-486-60088-8 | 1956 | Thomas L. Heath |
The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 2: Books 3-9 | | 978-0-486-60089-5 | 1956 | " |
The Thirteen Books of the Elements: Volume One: Books 1-2 | | 978-1-68422-421-0 | 2019 | Thomas L Heath |