Edward Clinton Ezell

E C. · E.E. " · Edward C. Ezell · Edward E.

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Great Rifle Controversy978-0-8117-0709-11984
Inglis Diamond: The Canadian Hi-power Pistol978-0-88935-265-02001
Kalashnikov - The Arms and the Man: A Revised and Expanded Edition of the AK47 Story978-0-88935-267-42001
On Mars: Exploration of the Red Planet, 1958-1978--The NASA History978-0-486-46757-32009Linda Neuman Ezell
Reflections on the Wall: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial978-0-8117-1846-21987
Small Arms of the World: 12th Edition978-0-8117-1687-11983Thomas M. Pegg
Small arms of the world: A basic manual of small arms978-0-8117-1558-41977
Small Arms Today - 2nd Edition978-0-8117-2280-31988
The AK47 Story: Evolution of the Kalashnikov Weapons978-0-8117-2247-61988
The Ak47 Story: Evolution of the Kalashnikov Weapons978-0-8117-0916-31986

Collector Grade Publications,Canada · Dover Publications · Stackpole Books


Edward Clinton Gardner