E. Bradford Burns

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
A History of Brazil978-0-231-07955-61993
At war in Nicaragua: The Reagan doctrine and the politics of nostalgia978-0-06-055074-51987
At War in Nicaragua: The Reagan Doctrine and the Politics of Nostalgia978-0-06-096188-61987
Consider the Source: Documents in Latin American History for Latin America: An Interpretive History978-0-205-70860-42010Julie A. Charlip
Elites, Masses, and Modernization in Latin America, 1850-1930978-0-292-76457-61979Thomas E. Skidmore
Latin America: A Concise Interpretive History978-0-13-019576-02001Julie A. Charlip
Latin America: A Concise Interpretive History978-0-13-501321-21993
Latin America: A Concise Interpretive History978-0-13-524356-51986
Latin America: A Concise Interpretive History978-0-13-524322-01982
Latin America: A Concise Interpretive History978-0-13-524314-51977
Latin America: A Concise Interpretive History978-0-13-524298-81972
Latin America; a concise interpretive history978-0-13-524306-01972
Latin America: An Interpretive History978-0-205-70835-22010Julie A. Charlip
Latin America: Conflict and Creation, a Historical Reader978-0-13-526260-31992
LATIN AMER: INTERPRETV HIST&CONSIDER SOURCE978-0-205-11011-72011Julie A. Charlip
The Poverty of Progress: Latin America in the Nineteenth Century978-0-520-05078-51983

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E. Bradley