Doug West

D.W. · D. West

titleISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Canadian Supplement for Industrial Organization978-0-321-30698-22004Andrew Eckert
CDN ED An Introduction to Government and Politics: A Conceptual Approach978-0-17-650042-92009Mark O. Dickerson · Thomas Flanagan · Brenda O’Neill · Michael Temelini · Lavinia Stan
James K. Polk: A Short Biography: Eleventh President of the United States978-1-0996-0621-22019
John Quincy Adams: A Short Biography: Sixth President of the United States978-1-0754-4797-62019
John Tyler: A Short Biography: Tenth President of the United States978-1-0927-3532-22019
Louisa Catherine Adams: A Short Biography: First Lady of the United States978-1-0755-5383-72019

Addison-Wesley · Independently published · Thomas Nelson


Doug Whallon