Dieter Weichert

D.W. · D. Weichert

titlemedia type ISBN-13year of publica-
other author(s)
Direct Methods for Limit and Shakedown Analysis of Structures: Advanced Computational Algorithms and Material ModellingGebunden
978-3-319-12927-32015Paolo Fuschi · Aurora Angela Pisano
Inelastic Analysis of Structures under Variable Loads - Theory and Engineering ApplicationsHardcover
978-0-7923-6645-42000Giulio Maier
Inelastic Behaviour of Structures under Variable LoadsPaperback 978-94-010-4120-12012Zenon Mróz · Stanislaw Dorosz
Inelastic Behaviour of Structures under Variable LoadsHardcover
978-0-7923-3397-51995Zenon Mróz · Stanislaw Dorosz
Inelastic Behaviour of Structures under Variable Repeated Loads: Direct Analysis MethodsTaschenbuch
978-3-211-83687-32002Giulio Maier
Limit States of Materials and Structures: Direct MethodsHardcover
978-1-4020-9633-42009Alan Ponter
Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics of Solids: Fundamental Mathematical and Physical ConceptsGebunden
978-3-540-66601-12000Yavuz Basar

Dieter Weideling