David Rueda

(D-R) · David R.

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publica-
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Biophysics of RNA-Protein Interactions: A Mechanistic ViewHardcover978-1-4939-9724-42019Chirlmin Joo
Social Democracy Inside Out: Partisanship and Labor Market Policy in Advanced Industrialized DemocraciesPaperback978-0-19-923405-92008
Social Democracy Inside Out: Partisanship and Labor Market Policy in Advanced Industrialized DemocraciesHardcover978-0-19-921635-22007
Who Wants What?: Redistribution Preferences in Comparative Perspective   "978-1-108-48462-62019Daniel Stegmueller
Who Wants What?: Redistribution Preferences in Comparative PerspectivePaperback978-1-108-72343-52019   "

Cambridge University Press · Oxford University Press · Springer


David Rüetschi