title | media type | | ISBN-13 | year of publica- tion | other author(s) |
Adolf Eichmann | Broché | | 978-2-84734-484-4 | 2010 |
Adolf Eichmann: Bürokrat und Massenmörder | Taschenbuch | | 978-3-548-61085-6 | 2012 |
Adolf Eichmann: Bürokrat und Massenmörder - Biografie | Gebunden | | 978-3-549-07186-1 | 2004 |
After the Holocaust: Challenging the Myth of Silence | Paperback | | 978-0-415-61676-8 | 2011 | Eric J. Sundquist |
A History of the Holocaust | " | | 978-0-9516166-2-8 | 1998 |
Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind | Hardcover | | 978-0-684-86720-5 | 1999 |
Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind | " | | 978-0-434-11305-7 | 1998 |
Arthur Koestler: The Homeless Mind - Arthur Koestler and the Quest for Belonging | Paperback | | 978-0-09-928967-8 | 1999 |
Becoming Eichmann | " | | 978-0-306-81539-3 | 2007 |
Becoming Eichmann: Rethinking the Life, Crimes, and Trial of a "Desk Murderer" | Hardcover | | 978-0-306-81476-1 | 2006 |
Belsen 1945: New Historical Perspectives | " | | 978-0-85303-716-3 | 2006 | Suzanne Bardgett |
Belsen 1945: New Historical Perspectives | Paperback | | 978-0-85303-717-0 | 2006 | " |
Belsen in History and Memory | " | | 978-0-7146-4323-6 | 1997 | Tony Kushner · Jo Reilly · Colin Richmond |
Belsen in History and Memory | Hardcover | | 978-0-7146-4767-8 | 1997 | Tony Kushner · Jo Reilly · Colin Richmond |
Bystanders to the Holocaust: A Re-evaluation | " | | 978-0-7146-5270-2 | 2002 | Paul A. Levine |
Bystanders to the Holocaust: A Re-evaluation | Paperback | | 978-0-7146-8243-3 | 2002 | " |
Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe | Hardcover | | 978-1-138-43251-2 | 2017 |
Disraeli: The Novel Politician | Paperback | | 978-0-300-23054-3 | 2018 |
Disraeli: The Novel Politician | Hardcover | | 978-0-300-13751-4 | 2016 |
Eichmann: His Life and Crimes | Paperback | | 978-0-09-944844-0 | 2005 |
Eichmann: His Life and Crimes | Hardcover | | 978-0-434-01056-1 | 2004 |
Eichmann jego zycie i zbrodnie | Taschenbuch | | 978-83-60383-81-0 | 2004 |
"Endlösung": Das Schicksal der Juden 1933 bis 1948 | Gebunden | | 978-3-549-07417-6 | 2016 |
Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949 | Paperback | | 978-0-330-53537-3 | 2017 |
Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949 | " | | 978-1-250-09723-1 | 2017 |
Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949 | Hardcover | | 978-0-230-75456-0 | 2016 |
Final Solution: The Fate of the Jews 1933-1949 | " | | 978-1-250-00083-5 | 2016 |
Genocide and Rescue: The Holocaust in Hungary 1944 | " | | 978-1-85973-121-5 | 1997 |
Genocide and Rescue: The Holocaust in Hungary 1944 | Paperback | | 978-1-85973-126-0 | 1997 |
Holocaust Without End | Hardcover | | 978-0-434-00792-9 | 2009 |
Jews and Port Cities: 1590-1990: Commerce, Community and Cosmopolitanism | Paperback | | 978-0-85303-682-1 | 2006 | Gemma Romain |
Justice Delayed: How Britain Became A Refuge For Nazi War Crimina: How Britain Became a Refuge for Nazi War Criminals | " | | 978-1-84212-126-9 | 2001 |
Justice Delayed: How Britain Became a Refuge for Nazi War Criminals | Hardcover | | 978-0-434-11304-0 | 1992 |
Major Farran's Hat: Murder, Scandal and Britain's War Against Jewish Terrorism 1945-1948 | Paperback | | 978-0-09-952287-4 | 2010 |
Major Farran's Hat: Murder, Scandal and Britain's War Against Jewish Terrorism, 1945-1948 | Hardcover | | 978-0-434-01844-4 | 2009 |
Major Farran's Hat: Murder, Scandal and Britain's War Against Jewish Terrorism, 1945-1948 | Paperback | | 978-0-434-01845-1 | 2009 |
Major Farran's Hat: The Untold Story of the Struggle to Establish the Jewish State | Hardcover | | 978-0-306-81845-5 | 2009 |
Place and Displacement in Jewish History and Memory: Zakor V'Makor | Paperback | | 978-0-85303-940-2 | 2009 | Tony Kushner · Milton Shain |
The Final Solution: Origins and Implementation | " | | 978-0-415-15232-7 | 1996 |
The Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies | Hardcover | | 978-0-415-27509-5 | 2004 |
The Jewish Chronicle & Anglo Jewry | Paperback | | 978-0-521-01913-2 | 2008 |
The Jewish Chronicle and Anglo-Jewry, 1841–1991 | Hardcover | | 978-0-521-43434-8 | 1994 |