Daisuke Akimoto

Akimoto Daisuke · D.A.

Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften · Springer

titlemedia typeISBN-13year of publication
Japan as a 'Global Pacifist State': Its Changing Pacifism and Security IdentityGebunden978-3-0343-1380-32013
Japan's Nuclear Identity and Its Implications for Nuclear AbolitionHardcover978-981-15-3543-72020
The Abe Doctrine: Japan's Proactive Pacifism and Security StrategyPaperback978-981-13-5664-32019
The Abe Doctrine: Japan's Proactive Pacifism and Security StrategyHardcover978-981-10-7658-92018


Daisuke Ashihara